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Dalhousie NB vs Dalhousie Halifax

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Hey guys, I am new to this forum so I'm not sure if this question has been asked but..if Dalhousie NB has 30 seats..and seeing that Dal admitted 20 NB students in 2009, does this mean that the extra seats in Halifax will go to NS/PEI residents? Or will DAL Halifax reduce its total number of seats?

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The seats in Halifax will be reduced by the 20 seats that were held by NB students. The NS government has not funded any new seats for Dal Med, so there will be 30 seats in NB and 84 seats in Halifax (9 of which are out of province, 1 is from the Maxillofacial surgery program, and 2 or 3 are from the military). That leaves 6 students from PEI and about 65 or 66 from NS.

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Hey Doc, as I understand it, one of the possible electives for a Med2 student to do is to be part of the ADCOM. Will this elective be available to a student who is studying in Saint John as well, or will it only be available to students studying in Halifax?

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It is true that there are 2 spots on the admissions committee for Med II elective students. I haven't heard of discussions surrounding whether or not this would be available to NB students. I would imagine that it would be available, however logistics may prevent this. The initial part of the elective involves assisting the admissions staff in reviewing and scoring the academics portion of the application, but this might not be necessary in the future for 2 reasons, the first being that hopefully this will be more automated in the future and the second being that they are hoping to start the whole process earlier so the students won't even be around for that initial part unless they are willing to assist over the summer. For the remainder of the year the student reviews supplemental sections (mostly from home in free time) and attends all the admissions committee meetings. For this the NB students would be able to attend via teleconference as a few members do currently (from NB).


So, it's something that I'm sure will get worked out in the future. For next year, all 2nd year students will be in Halifax as with this year so this won't become an issue until the year of 2011/2012.


I hope that helps.

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