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What are your plans if you don't get in?

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This thread doesn't have a whole lot of practical value, but I thought it could keep us busy as we continue to wait for March 15.


How many of you have applied multiple times to Dal, and what are your plans if you don't get in this year? Will you keep trying?


I am a 4th time applicant, and while I have high hopes for this year, I'm trying to keep myself grounded. In terms of my application, the interview had the most room for improvement, and I focused much attention on it this year. It will definitely be the deciding factor. Ugh.

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This is my first time applying to any med school, and I only applied to Dal and MUN... which I now realize after getting into it was not exactly the normal thing to do...


So, in the likely event that I need to reapply, I will be doing it at Ontario schools, and Calgary as well. Hey, its a learning experience, right? :)


And if I don't get in again? Teacher?

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The beauty of my plan B is that it allows me to have a few more kicks at the MD can, heh. If I don't get in this year, I'll do the same thing I did when I didn't get in last year and I'll just keep grinding through an engineering degree (my second undergrad).

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest ben1000

My back up plan is a masters degree in biotechnology/genetics. I was lucky to find a professor who is willing to wait until I find out from medical school before giving the position to anyone else.


Does anyone know if its better to do a second undergrad then a master's degree?

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Does anyone know if its better to do a second undergrad then a master's degree?


It depends on why you're not getting into med school. If it's because of a weak UG GPA, then it's better to do a second UG, but if your UG GPA is >3.8, then I'd go with the masters, as this will give you an (extremely small) advantage at some schools, and it will enable you to specify which field you choose to work in should medicine not work out.

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When I found out I hadn't been accepted last year I had NO idea what I was going to do next. I ended up in England (which is where I am now) to do a masters degree. My back up plan for this year is a little up in the air and undecided, but I am think of moving to either Spain or Argentina to learn spanish and just go work somewhere....get some life experience. Or else I am going to go to India to do some volunteer work or work with a charity organisation.

Keep your options open everyone! Not getting into med school straight away after my UG was perhaps a good thing! I have had an AMAZING year and its been, overall, a great experience!


Take care and good luck everyone!

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