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American Applications 2010 General Discussion

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Got 3 secondaries in one day. I feel a little burned out and still have at least 10 more to do for the US.


Hey Law, I'll be doing NYU today too - except, I haven't written the essay yet. What is the main strength of the school?


Bellevue Hospital is the strength. Search it up.

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ya its weird that people were granted a secondary at evms but also told that their mcat wasn't good enough...


Also, Mayo emailed me a few days ago saying that they just need their fee to be paid and they'll start reviewing my file. However the link they sent me in the email doesn't work. I emailed them back right away but no respone yet. Does anyone have a link to the payment page that actually works?

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ya its weird that people were granted a secondary at evms but also told that their mcat wasn't good enough...


Also, Mayo emailed me a few days ago saying that they just need their fee to be paid and they'll start reviewing my file. However the link they sent me in the email doesn't work. I emailed them back right away but no respone yet. Does anyone have a link to the payment page that actually works?



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So I decided to check my U of Vermont app and saw this message:


Your file is complete and has been preliminarily reviewed. You are within a pool of applicants from which an interview may be extended. Please note that this does not guarantee you will be offered an interview and you may not see an update to your status for several months.


You will be notified via email if you have been selected to interview.


Our interview season runs from September through April.


Now my fingers are REALLY crossed lol.

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So for a non-science professor that has taught you one course what kind of thigns do you think they should be talking about in a reference letter? I've got a very general outline thus far: "How I did in the class, my essay writing, test/exam marks, tutorial participation, general interest in the course" but is there anything more specific I should be banking on here?



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So for a non-science professor that has taught you one course what kind of thigns do you think they should be talking about in a reference letter? I've got a very general outline thus far: "How I did in the class, my essay writing, test/exam marks, tutorial participation, general interest in the course" but is there anything more specific I should be banking on here?




Yeah, and personal qualities, commitment if they can. I made a list of my strengths and gave examples of how I demonstrated them, in addition to giving them my CV.


I am sur you'll get more than just "some"! You've applied to 35 schools!


I hope so, although most of them were reach schools... So we'll see!

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I know what you mean, I applied there for the first time last year (this year i'm reapplying to Michigan) and it took me FOREVER to answer their weird questions. The last one especially is a killer...I mean, i thought that question was pretty much summed up in our personal statement?? oh the redundancy of it all!

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haha Unfortunately I am using more or less the same answers as last year. Just updated/tweaked em up a bit. I'm sure you've got some interesting experiences you can write about. I remember, in the beginning last year, I stared at my resume a long time when writing the first and second essay. That seemed to a help a lot. lol


The 3rd essay, I took the angle of "okay, the adcoms already know the basics and some extras about me from the preliminary app", so what do other people ask about me, my education, my personality, etc. Part of my 3rd essay answer ended up being about why i have such a weird degree combo (Honors Health Sci with minor in History) and my philosophy on education and how it applies to med. I know...sorta got off track but pulled it together nicely in the end :)

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I did not unfortunately. I really focused on ontario schools last year, only applying to a handful of American ones. However, that has drastically changed this year - applying far more broadly (24 schools in US). Maybe the med school gods will shine their light upon me this time around??


I've posted my sad-sob story about what happened to me with UWO in other threads on here. I'm sure when you're REALLY bored you can look it up.

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Man, cousin got married on Sunday in Detroit... had hardly any time to do anything. I just finished first drafts of MSU's questions. Hopefully I can edit/submit over the week. Will try to work on UCSD's secondary on the weekend. So far I've sent out:

AECOM, Baylor, Boston, Dartmouth, Jefferson, Mayo, NYU, SUNY downstate, U of Michigan, U of Pennsylvania, and U of Vermont.


Try my hardest to finish MSU, UCSD, cornell, mount sinai, and the virginia's soon.


I have a stupid question to ask. Can biochemistry lab course substitute for general chemistry lab course? Does anyone know? THanks.


Highly doubt it.

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Hello, I was wondering if you guys could help schedule out my next few months..


I rewrote my MCAT on June 17th and my mark comes out today. I plan to submit my primaries tomorrow.


While I do plan on getting started on my secondaries straight away, a few of my referees won't be able to upload their recommendation until mid-August.


Do you think I should fire off my secondaries as I complete them or submit them with the letters?


Thanks a lot!

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I believe alot of schools would put your application on hold until all the letters arrive. So it kind of wont make a difference if you submit or not so long as the letter isn't there.


Even if that is the case, I'd still fire them off because it sometimes takes a little while after you've sent out your primary for them to actually process them for review.

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Thanks for the quick replies guys! I actually planned to have all my letters in by today but one prof went on vacation...


Is there much delay from uploading onto amcas to the schools receiving the letters?


Assuming that I have submitted my secondaries and assigned all the letters by early August and receive all the letters by August 15th, when should I be expected to be marked as "complete"?




P.S. keeping my fingers crossed as I religiously refresh the MCAT THx site every 15mins....

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The uploading happens immediately, it's up to the medical schools when they want to add them to your file though. My application was on hold pending a letter at Boston University for more than a week now. I finally called them today and they said they would add my letter and release the hold... hopefully they do it soon!


Thanks for the quick replies guys! I actually planned to have all my letters in by today but one prof went on vacation...


Is there much delay from uploading onto amcas to the schools receiving the letters?


Assuming that I have submitted my secondaries and assigned all the letters by early August and receive all the letters by August 15th, when should I be expected to be marked as "complete"?




P.S. keeping my fingers crossed as I religiously refresh the MCAT THx site every 15mins....

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The uploading happens immediately, it's up to the medical schools when they want to add them to your file though. My application was on hold pending a letter at Boston University for more than a week now. I finally called them today and they said they would add my letter and release the hold... hopefully they do it soon!


Thanks for your help Law.


Hopefully I'll be marked as complete along with the middle of the pack.


Good luck!!

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I'm also waiting on another 11 secondaries...although 3 of them screen first, so I understand why those are taking a while. Mind you, I've only been verified for a week. So maybe I should just relax?? Here are the 11 I'm waiting on still:


Case Western, EVMS, Emory, U of Maryland, Mt. Sinai, NYMC, Penn State, SUNY Upstate, U of Connecticutt, Wayne State and East Tennessee


Anyone receive these ones already and how long did it take from verification to get them?

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I'm also waiting on another 11 secondaries...although 3 of them screen first, so I understand why those are taking a while. Mind you, I've only been verified for a week. So maybe I should just relax?? Here are the 11 I'm waiting on still:


Case Western, EVMS, Emory, U of Maryland, Mt. Sinai, NYMC, Penn State, SUNY Upstate, U of Connecticutt, Wayne State and East Tennessee


Anyone receive these ones already and how long did it take from verification to get them?


I got EVMS. IT took about 2 weeks after verification to get it. You can start on it early though, the answers are really short and the question's very cliche (what do you like best/worst about being a physician?). It also has to be mailed so it's gonna take a few days for them to receive it. Oh and it requires two photographs! make sure you have those ready!



I got Mount Sinai on July 8, also waiting on NYMC, Penn, Case Western, Emory, SUNY Upstate. Got an email last week saying Wayne is processing and secondary will be out in 3-4 weeks.


My immediate goals right now are michigan state, cornell, UCSD, and Mount Sinai. I've been really dragging my heals on Mount Sinai, gaaahh!

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