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Science UG Physics

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I'm a little confused as to what UBC's policy is regarding physics courses for 1st year science students.


On the website it states: "Students take CHEM 111 if credit was not obtained for Chemistry 12 and 3 credits of 100-level PHYS (normally PHYS 100) if credit was not obtained for Physics 12. CHEM 111 and PHYS 100 do not count toward the minimum number of physical sciences credits required. All students take 6 to 8 credits of CHEM and/or PHYS lecture courses at the 100-level beyond CHEM 111 and PHYS 100."


If I don't take physics 12, and I have to take physics 100- then could the rest of my 8 credits could be made up of CHEM courses? Is this possible? I'm thinking that I want to get into the Integrated Science Major. So, would there be a reason that I would need other physics courses beyond the PHYS100 level? I'm just worried GPA wise.

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