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GetMeIntoMed - An Admissions Service

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I've recently started an application-review service tailored for pre-meds.


If you want to get an edge on your application we can:

-critically review your application including extra-curriculars and admission essays

-provide insight into its strengths/weaknesses and help you plan ahead for admission

-help you develop interview strategies that capitalize on the strength of your application

-provide advice on interview questions and answers


Uniquely, this is run by Canadian M.D.'s. We know where you've been and we can help you get to where you want to be.


The service is run entirely online, and if you have any further questions, please email: getmeintomed@yahoo.com


Our rates are charged hourly and are extremely competitive.



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Wonderful! Then you will have no problem in the public domain to give us a full CV run-down of each of you, your background of applying, e.g., were you accepted at every med school to which you applied first tiem round, were you memeber of adcom, how many applicants have come to you and your success rate with them, and of course, your fee sturcture.


You see we are a self-help group and do nicely as is. But if you have something to add to the pool as an oiption, we would apprecuate totoal transparency now, full disclosure of all material facts of which we should be aware of from you.


Thank you.

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Wonderful! Then you will have no problem in the public domain to give us a full CV run-down of each of you, your background of applying, e.g., were you accepted at every med school to which you applied first tiem round, were you memeber of adcom, how many applicants have come to you and your success rate with them, and of course, your fee sturcture.


You see we are a self-help group and do nicely as is. But if you have something to add to the pool as an oiption, we would apprecuate totoal transparency now, full disclosure of all material facts of which we should be aware of from you.


Thank you.


Lol... so true... unless their MD's got in at every med school they applied to (and the worse their physical numbers, GPA/MCAT, the better), I would not trust their advice. There is a huge range of people even within med... And since when are advertisement allowed on this forum?

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Looks like someone is trying to take advantage of desperate pre-meds and make a quick buck. :mad:


as well - competitive with what exactly? Your school's career centre, premed club, this forum, .......


I am kind of curious now - exactly how many of these types of services are out there?

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FACT: Having less money makes you more likely to get accepted into medical school. GetMeIntoMed will help you with that aspect of your application. Buy now while supplies last!


Also, it's funny how this "competitively priced" service is basically offering the same functions that this forum offers for free, and with no more credentials to back it up than the members here, past and future students, have to offer. Why yes, I would like to pay money for the exact same things I freely visit this very website for. What a tremendous offer. Clearly you "Canadian MDs" are in the wrong line of work, as business acumen like this could have netted you billions by now.

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The OP never did respond to my 1st post here inviting him to give the credientials, background and success of the group.


Their reply says everything of importance about the value of their offer.


It is also funny how all of these operate out of a free email address somehow. It costs about 15 dollars and 30 minutes to create your own company email system. Someone operating out of hotmail/yahoo/etc gives a dead give away that something strange is going on.

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as well - competitive with what exactly? Your school's career centre, premed club, this forum, .......


I am kind of curious now - exactly how many of these types of services are out there?


Exactly. R u guys more competitive than free service? If so you can contact me and give me 100 bucks/hour and I ll sit and listen to your crap lol (even tho I dont need it anymore :) )

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as well - competitive with what exactly? Your school's career centre, premed club, this forum, .......


I am kind of curious now - exactly how many of these types of services are out there?


I think they were probably refering to the Kaplan, TPR, etc. services... I can't remember which ones do it (I know Kaplan does for sure), and I can't remember exactly how much it is... but i remember when i was logging on to their website to get a free practice mcat, seeing some RIDICULOUS price for them to review your application and stuff like that... upwards of like $700/hr or something:eek:


not hard to be competitive with that lol


edit: http://www.kaptest.com/MCAT/Get-Admissions-Help/admissions-consulting-services.html


$600 for the 'basic 3 hour package', $2200 for the 'premium 15 hour package'....... sign me up immediately


if there's no money back guarantee upon non-acceptance, that's pure robbery... i can't imagine anyone who would be desperate enough to pay this (although in reality i can... i'm sure the majority of their customers are desperate/obsessive parents forcing their kids to send in their application to get it reviewed by these 'experts', thinking it will guarantee their acceptance)

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