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AMCAS Verification and GPA/hours calculations


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I just got verified today (I know I'm late). Beside each course I have an X under "AMCAS use" which means verified with correction. I have this for every single course! Is this bad? Also, in some cases (three times to be exact) where I've taken 1.0 credit courses (full year), I have been given 3.0 semester hours. Twice where I've taken 0.5 credit courses, I've been given 6.0 semester hours. It doesn't make sense to me because I thought 0.5=3 sem hours and 1.0=6 sem hours. And the courses where I've been given 3 semester hours for 1.0 credits were all courses with lab components which shocks me even more.


My total hours is 117 and I've taken 19 credits during regular school semesters and 1 credit during a summer session.


Also, is it bad if your BCMP GPA is 0.03 less than the total GPA and 0.15 less than the AO GPA?


Does this sound right to you? Please help.

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Did you go to UofT?


I just got verified today (I know I'm late). Beside each course I have an X under "AMCAS use" which means verified with correction. I have this for every single course! Is this bad? Also, in some cases (three times to be exact) where I've taken 1.0 credit courses (full year), I have been given 3.0 semester hours. Twice where I've taken 0.5 credit courses, I've been given 6.0 semester hours. It doesn't make sense to me because I thought 0.5=3 sem hours and 1.0=6 sem hours. And the courses where I've been given 3 semester hours for 1.0 credits were all courses with lab components which shocks me even more.


Provide more details about what kind of course this was??

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Yes, I went to UofT.


Intro stats STA220 0.5 credits was awarded 6.0 sem hours.

Intro biochem BCH210 0.5 credits was awarded 6.0 sem hours.

(no lab components)


Anthropology: Human Biology and Evolution ANT203 1.0 credits was awarded 3.0 sem hours.

Animal Physiology: Cells to Systems BIO252 1.0 credits was awarded 3.0 sem hours.

Cell and Molecular Biology BIO250 1.0 credits was awarded 3.0 sem hours.

(the last two had lab components, the first had a "practical")


In general I did not get any extra hours for lab components of any other course.



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