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Questions about Activities and Verifiers

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I have been involved in Squash and Badminton since I was 12 years old. I played for my middle and high school teams, and have joined clubs for both the sports when I went to university. I was wondering if I could include these in my application, and whom I could use as verifiers if I did. The problem is that there's no one who could account for all 9 years of my involvement, aside from family. Could I use my school coaches, or perhaps the university club presidents?


I have also attended a number of healthcare-related conferences, not as a presenter, but just as a delegate. Can I include these experiences as well, and again, who would I use for verifiers? Perhaps the conference co-ordinators?


Thanks in advance for everyone's advice!

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I guess the answer is to use the common sense and try your best.

If you have any certificates/documents to prove that you played badminton for 9 years, just put that, "documentation available upon request". otherwise, try to find people you mentioned who can verify the activities for you. GL on your application buddy!

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