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DAT materials on sale in Toronto + some free stuff


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I'm selling all my DAT materials:


2009-2010 Kaplan DAT,

3 IQ PAT Books - Form A,B and C,

IQ Reading comprehension Book 1,

CDA manual & Carving knife, ruler, marker & One soap


So, all of above at $130. PRICE DOWN!!!


I'll throw in various books/materials that I purchased for my dental interviews. I found them vital and sufficient for my interview success. These will prepare anyone very thoroughly for any dental interviews, including CDA-style or traditional.


Please PM me asap, we can arrange a time to meet. I prefer downtown Toronto. Thanks!

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Hey there,

I am interested in buying ur DAT material. I am going to Toronto in a few days, wonder if u still want to sell ur stuff and when and where we can meet up for those DAT thing. Please let me know.

My phone number is 001-518-645-5324 and my email is ca_my65@yahoo.com. I am coming on the 24th, til the 29th so anytime between these two date.

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