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Always busy doing summer research.... when to travel?

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Hey guys,


I've always wanted to do traveling around Asia, to places like China, Vietnam, and Japan. The thing is, I've always pushed this aside to do 16 week summer research projects every single year, telling myself that I'll do some travelling instead of summer research once I get into medical school (because research helps on med apps).


I'm starting UofT medical school soon, but now I'm hearing that I STILL need to do summer research, but this time to help match into residency? (even though I'm not completely sure what I want to match into...)


Don't get me wrong, I DO love research, and I don't just do it to help with applications (I even did 2 fourth year thesis projects, because I loved the research I was doing). But sometime I feel like I'm never going to get a chance to do something like tour Asia, especially now that summers are even shorter than they were in undergrad (12 weeks for UofT meds).


What would you guys suggest? Should I try to do some research during the school year to free up my summer for travelling? Maybe do summer research somewhere in Asia? Maybe do observerships/electives in Asia? What would be a good time to do this (pre-clerkship yeas? Clerkship years? Right after med school?)?


Thanks for any advice

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trying to do electives or research in asia is not a good idea... you will not really get to travel the way you imagine.


I say go travelling after 1st year. You will probably need a break anyway.


If you are absolutely dead set on a certain specialty, there are always opportunities to do research on a part time basis during the year, after 2nd year etc....


If you are not sure what you want to do, then research in some random field wont help your carms apps that much. (especially considering the fact that your previous experience demonstrates that you are obviously interested in research)


Come match time, no one will fault you for taking a vacation!!!!

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The summer before I started medical school, I spent two months (and probably over $10,000) traveling around Asia...


4 cities in China (including Hong Kong), 3 cities in South Korea, 6 cities in Japan, Singapore and 1 city in Thailand.


Best decision I ever made (well.. I guess accepting a medical school offer was the best decision I ever made, but that was a close second :D)


No one will fault you for taking one summer off, trust me on this.

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Here's a few suggestions:


1) International Electives:

If you're worried about CaRMS apps but still want to travel, consider a research or clinical elective (e.g. IFMSA electives). The research may not be as productive as you are used to and the clinical observerships not as directed, but it's a great opportunity to get integrated into the medical/research culture of that country. You can either set these up on your own (more $$$ but more flexible), or through another organization (IFMSA, a school club/charity, etc.)


2) International Conferences/Meetings

There's also conferences around the world you can still attend and/or present in, tag on a few days in the beginning or end and you'll get some (albeit limited) travel in.


3) 4th Year Electives - you can literally set these up around the world. If you're worried about CaRMS then try to schedule them for after the CaRMS application deadline.



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You will always be doing research. The summer between 1st and 2nd year is the last summer you truly will have completely free. (I don't know about 2nd and 3rd year in Canada because in the US we studied for Step I and 3rd year started mid-June so there was no break essentially) You will not have a summer where you will have 3-4 months off to travel and do absolutely nothing. If I were you, I'd take this opportunity to go overseas. I did and don't regret it. Yes, you could always do research, but research in med school is mostly clinical research and that can always be done on the side as well.

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You will always be doing research. The summer between 1st and 2nd year is the last summer you truly will have completely free. (I don't know about 2nd and 3rd year in Canada because in the US we studied for Step I and 3rd year started mid-June so there was no break essentially) You will not have a summer where you will have 3-4 months off to travel and do absolutely nothing. If I were you, I'd take this opportunity to go overseas. I did and don't regret it. Yes, you could always do research, but research in med school is mostly clinical research and that can always be done on the side as well.


moo is constiently one of the most knowledgeable advisors on this forum and knows what he says. Follow his advice and enjoy.

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I think an international elective is the way to go. I would contact your global health office and see what options they have available to you. I work for a UK company that organizes overseas electives and we are currently trying to make links with canadian universities to offer our services to students just like yourself. First speak with GH dept, and you can get some better ideas on possible options @ worktheworld.com, good luck

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

You have to know what you're gunning for for research to be valuable imo, I'm not sure that research in anes will help you land a radiology spot.


You can always do research throughout the year, pre-clinical really isn't that busy (at least here).


trying to do electives or research in asia is not a good idea... you will not really get to travel the way you imagine.


I say go travelling after 1st year. You will probably need a break anyway.


If you are absolutely dead set on a certain specialty, there are always opportunities to do research on a part time basis during the year, after 2nd year etc....


If you are not sure what you want to do, then research in some random field wont help your carms apps that much. (especially considering the fact that your previous experience demonstrates that you are obviously interested in research)


Come match time, no one will fault you for taking a vacation!!!!

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Strange thought, but you could always take a year off b/w pre clerk and clerkship and do research, especially if you're really set on a competitive residency. Just a suggestion, and definitely not for everyone.


Hey guys,


I've always wanted to do traveling around Asia, to places like China, Vietnam, and Japan. The thing is, I've always pushed this aside to do 16 week summer research projects every single year, telling myself that I'll do some travelling instead of summer research once I get into medical school (because research helps on med apps).


I'm starting UofT medical school soon, but now I'm hearing that I STILL need to do summer research, but this time to help match into residency? (even though I'm not completely sure what I want to match into...)


Don't get me wrong, I DO love research, and I don't just do it to help with applications (I even did 2 fourth year thesis projects, because I loved the research I was doing). But sometime I feel like I'm never going to get a chance to do something like tour Asia, especially now that summers are even shorter than they were in undergrad (12 weeks for UofT meds).


What would you guys suggest? Should I try to do some research during the school year to free up my summer for travelling? Maybe do summer research somewhere in Asia? Maybe do observerships/electives in Asia? What would be a good time to do this (pre-clerkship yeas? Clerkship years? Right after med school?)?


Thanks for any advice

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  • 4 months later...

think about it this way,


When you start making $ 200 000 a year, You will be able to go on a long 3 months of cruise EVERY YEAR.


Btw a 3 month cruise of asia costs around $40 000. which is like a penny for you after you will be free :)>.


It will be worth it..

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well that's pleasant, i can't wait to be 33! think of all the fun I'll have, hoorah! now i'll just be off to occupy my time for the next decade or so, cheers!


think about it this way,


When you start making $ 200 000 a year, You will be able to go on a long 3 months of cruise EVERY YEAR.


Btw a 3 month cruise of asia costs around $40 000. which is like a penny for you after you will be free :)>.


It will be worth it..

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think about it this way,


When you start making $ 200 000 a year, You will be able to go on a long 3 months of cruise EVERY YEAR.


Btw a 3 month cruise of asia costs around $40 000. which is like a penny for you after you will be free :)>.


It will be worth it..


I used to think this way. Never again.

Keep a balance between work and fun throughout your life. Else it's pretty depressing. Don't keep putting off enjoyment because you might never reach it, or may be in a different mindset when you do.

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