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I am wondering if it will even be worth applying to McMaster since they use cGPA. Averaging a 3.9 for second, third, and fourth year, I would still only have roughly a 3.4-3.5 cGPA.


Assuming a decent MCAT score, would I realistically have a chance at an interview, or would I be rejected almost automatically due to my below par GPA?


Would it help my chances for an interview if my ECs are amazing, or at that point is it basically all numbers? Some of my ECs including being on the executive, and founding member of many student clubs covering a number of topics, student government involvement with several committee, faculty councillor, on student senate, student rep for my department, school rep for model un conference, national novice debate finalists, columist for the school paper, talk show on college radio station, food bank volunteer, volunteer for out of the cold, as well as Big Brothers and Big Sisters, community organizer by organizing a community protest, etc.

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IMO casper will fail and they will rely on good old short responses. But anyways...decent MCAT and responses can get you an interview. I'd say the responses are more important than the GPA because its just worth more (under the casper scale). And at mac your ECs and references are not considered.

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Oh, I forgot to add this, but the reason I am asking specifically for McMaster and not in general is basically because I wont be able to apply anywhere that requires prereqs. I am a Political Science major, and my school wouldnt grant me the overrides I needed no matter how hard I tried, so Im not going to be able to get into any science classes.


That leaves only Western and McMaster. I have a shot at Western since they only look at best three years, but I would like to apply to McMaster as well if I have a chance.



I havent written the MCAT yet, but due to my strong social science background, and previously studying for the LSAT, I should crush the verbal section no problem.

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I'm applying to McMaster with a 3.08 OMSAS gpa and an 11 in VR. I realize it's not the most competitive, but like you, I don't have all the pre-reqs for most schools because I majored in astrophysics and didn't decide to go to med school until I was halfway through my PhD. So I'm applying to McMaster, NOSM (I grew up in a town of 1600 people), and UofC (I'm IP for Alberta). I also have a master's degree, which gives me like 1 extra point for McMaster, not that that makes a huge difference. I realize I might not get in this time, but I won't know unless I apply, and my plan if I don't get in since I'm finishing my PhD in the spring is to spend a year taking all the pre-reqs I need for the UofA so I can apply to the UofA and UofC again, and maybe other places.


So my philosophy is apply anyway and you might be pleasantly surprised, but have a good back-up plan to improve things for next year if you don't get in!

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Oh, I forgot to add this, but the reason I am asking specifically for McMaster and not in general is basically because I wont be able to apply anywhere that requires prereqs. I am a Political Science major, and my school wouldnt grant me the overrides I needed no matter how hard I tried, so Im not going to be able to get into any science classes.


That leaves only Western and McMaster. I have a shot at Western since they only look at best three years, but I would like to apply to McMaster as well if I have a chance.



I havent written the MCAT yet, but due to my strong social science background, and previously studying for the LSAT, I should crush the verbal section no problem.


Just a note, Western looks at your two best years :D

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It is possible to get an interview with that GPA, if you do very well on the ABS/VR components, so don't totally lose hope. You can check my post in the Accepted/Waitlisted/Rejected thread on this forum.


I wish you all the best!

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