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Please help

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I just need some advice regarding writing the application process and writing the mcat and id appreciate your help. I will be entering 3rd year and studied for the mcat this summer but thought that I was unprepared so I guess I will take it early next summer before applying the American schools.


My question is, when should I write the mcat (what date approx) so that my results are in time so that my application isnt late. Could I start getting verified and then submit my scores? When does the verification period start so that I can write the MCAT so that the scores are released just when im about verified.


Im really confused, Id appreciate some help



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Yes, you can get verified and then submit your scores. The earlier the better. AMCAS is available starting June 1st usually. Early on it takes a few days to a couple weeks to be verified. If you can have a score by early July, I think you should be fine (as long as everything else is in). :)

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