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How does Ottawa Admissions Work?

Guest freakisd

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Guest freakisd

...and hey where do you think I should put my website that generates $$$, and my lawn mowing business? Other, employment, etc..

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Guest tutifruiti

what's important is to fill ALL the spaces with meaningful activities.


If I had 1 last space left I would prefer to fill it with a duplicated item (ei "NSERC" that you have already put in the employment, but that you also put in your research section) rather than a secondary EC activity such as "cooking for my brothers...", even though UO demands us not to do so. I don't tell you to go aganst the rules, do it only if you are desperate. The adcoms, if they notice, will assume that you didn't know. Only do that if all your other ECs are significant and if you still have a few space to fill. Just to fill the field with crap.


freakisd:if I were you I would your website generating money in EC rather than emplyment: say that you enjoy learning and creating webpages... not for the money. Lawn mowing business: I would not mention it... unless I could relate it to gardening.


I am talking too much!!! good luck!

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Once you make the cut off for the GPA then they look at your autobiographical sketch and your recommendation letters and then decide if you get an interview.

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Guest flora



Are you saying that I should fill in all 48 entries on the OMSAS sketch, or describe my entries to the fullest allowed on the Ottawa sketch (which may only have say 40 entries) ?



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Guest JSS02

The Ottawa sketch doesn't have a set number of "entries." There's a limit to the number of characters (including spaces)for each section. Filling this up is not hard... in all likelihood you'll have to be more concise in describing each activity so you can squish more of them in. As for the OMSAS sketch, I don't think it's crucial to fill it up with 48 entries, especially if you pad it with stuff like "first place in grade 5 spelling" or something. But put down everything you consider important (unless you consider grade 5 spelling important). :)

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I would fill as much as possible in the OMSAS sketch and then put the all the stuff you want to stand out in the Ottawa sketch (I did not fill all 48 entries I think I had maybe a max of 30). Because I only had enough space to discuss some of my ECs in the Ottawa sketch I put things here that I though would stand out and that I would like to talk about at the interview (since this is what the interviewers have on you).

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Guest JSS02

Depends on where you're from, and whether you're applying to the Anglophone or Francophone program. I don't know the French program cutoffs, but the English program requires around 3.8 if you're Ontarian but not from an underserved area (otherwise, it's a little lower). If you're out of province, you need close to 3.9.

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Guest hmsdread

Hey freakisd,


If I were you, I'd list the website as "ec" or "other", and the business as "employment". Definitely mention your lawn mowing business!!! Not only does it show creativity and initiative, but it hints at the quality of your character and work ethic if you made some money! Forget about relating it to gardening, speak the truth. This is far away, but I'd even prepare to lean heavy on the insight and experiences you gained while running this business during an interview. Sounds like a gold-mine of a topic. Use it for all its worth.



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Guest tutifruiti

Filling Ottawa sketch is easy... actually it's hard not to fill is too fast...! Choose only the important stuff to discuss there.


OMSAS autobio sketch: If you have a decent GPA for Ottawa (3.8/4.0), have good reference letters (all your referee answered YES to the question "would you recommend XX or XY for med school?"), and had some interesting content in your Ottawa character-limited sketch then you'll have very good chance to be granted an interview. Congratulations if you pass the first step. However, now the game is more difficult: you will then be competing with other 500 applicants for 123 spots. Remember this: the 3 interviewers only have your 48-entries OMSAS autobio sketch (which was NOT taken into account during the first selection step btw). They don't have your Ottawa 5questions sketch and I am not even sure they take the time to read it before the interview. So knowing this information, you should take advantage of it and strive to fill all the 48 entries. People are judgemental and I absolutely didn't want my interviewers to think that I was lacking of life experiences, of community envolvement, initiative, dedication, creativity... all the more so since I was a 3rd year francophone applicant (who woud have to interrupt - adcoms don't like that apparently - his undergrad honours degree if he happens to be accepted; and who only had completed 1 year of university at the OMSAS application period). I know it can be hard for some young applicants, I had hard time filling the 3 or 4 last entries, but the outcome worth the effort! But if you can't, it's better to have a skimmed 30 entries sketch than a 48 entries skecth fill with crap.


Sorry my English is so bad, I just wanted to share with my future fellows THE ULTIMATE TIP!!! (according to me!) I hope many applicants will read this tread! Good luck! (o.



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I think it depends on how much space you have left over and how much those activities meant to you. If you write it in the Ottawa sketch be prepared to talk about it and more importantly show how you learned something from these activities.

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Guest freakisd

To tell you the truth, I just made friends from those clubs, learned how different people think (i.e. when playing chess/solving math problems, its interesting to see how people derive their strategies and how it compares to your reasoning), and course, honed my chess/math skills :)


Is this the kinda stuff med schools look for if you put down a club?

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I think that what they want to see is the person. How you relate to others and how you balance your life (but of course I am no part of an admissions committee). It sounds like you enjoyed those activities and you got something out of them, so I would put them down.

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Guest freakisd

Cool Sil thanks for the help...


Hey do you mind if I ask whats your Background? You in meds, live in Ontario, Sask, etc..?

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Hey guys,

I was very confused here, some of you said that there was 48 entries in the OMSAS autobio sketch ans some said 48 lines, which one is correct?

Anyone remember the characters limit for each line or entry? Thanks a lot.

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Guest MayFlower

I've already posted this in another thread...but this is the scoop on room in the OMSAS detailed autobiographical sketch for Ottawa.


Maximum number of entries (not lines) in the OMSAS Sketch: 48. These can be formal education, employment, extracurricular activities, volunteer activities, awards & accomplishments, research and 'other items'...you can distribute the items any way you wish...but you only have 48. You need verifiers for each entry...I believe you may have as many verifiers as you require. There is very limited space for the descriptors in the OMSAS sketch...I had to shorten many of my research publication titles.


The Detailed Autobiographical Sketch for Ottawa requires you to elaborate on all items in each of the following categories from the OMSAS sketch:


Employment: 100 characters to say whether it was during full/part-time, summer or academic year and 150 characters to describe your responsibilities.


Volunteer Activities: 100 characters to say whether it occurred during summer or academic year and 150 characters to describe responsibilities


Extracurricular activities: 100 characters to say whether it occurred during summer or academic year and 150 characters to describe the type of activity/level of performance.


Awards and Accomplishments: 100 characters to describe qualifications and 150 to describe competition involved.


Research: 100 characters to describe the type of publication and 150 characters to describe your role.


I hope this helps.



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Hey Freakisd:

I changed my name from silvanabolano to Sil because is shorter. I guess my place of recidency is Ottawa and I will be going to meds in Ottawa next fall (very excited about that!). Completed one degree at McGill in 99 and then did 3 years of nursing at U of O. If you have any questions feel free to ask :)


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Guest Tanya23

I attended 5 years of university in a school where summer research was very limited. Thus, I have none! I completed my honour's thesis (which involved hypothesis testing and data analysis) but now Ottawa has decided that anything for which you received university cannot be submitted as "research". What's up with this!!? grrrrrrrrrr.... Is anyone using their thesis research anyways??

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I don't think they changed it from last year and I used my thesis as research. It seems to have worked. I think what they don't want is for people to start claiming basic science courses with a lab component as research.

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Guest Tanya23

...for the reassurance. Perhaps a thesis is considered more than just a "project" (to quote OMSAS). Congratulations on your acceptance and good luck in year one!! I hope to join you next year!

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I agree with Sil.


I think they are just referring to people who may put a laboratory course under the research area. For example, i don't think a second year experience in Organic Chemistry Lab Course counts as research....


I too included my thesis in the research area last year, and many of my friends had done the same.


Just to be safe, contact Nicole Racine in the admissions office



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