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Racist election sign

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So the municipal election is in full swing in London. On the northwest corner of Richmond and Fanshawe, I noticed an innocent-looking sign amongst all the others (photo attached). Does anybody know whether this "Winnicki" character is just some ignorant out-of-touch wacko, or if he's actually got some level of grassroots support around here?


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Well...what can you say. This was why i didn't want to go to london in the first place - but these people rarely act out and attack non-whites. I do find it funny that he hired a chinese guy as his lawyer.


"In September 2004 Winnicki and three others were stopped by the police as they were driving to rally in support of Holocaust denier Ernst Zündel in Toronto. He was charged with carrying a concealed weapon, having weapons at a public meeting and possession of a weapon for a dangerous purpose after Toronto police found throwing knives, a bow and arrows, and body armour in the vehicle he was driving to the rally. He pleaded guilty to weapons charges on November 23 2006, receiving a conditional discharge with 6 months of probation."




This guy sounds like he could be pretty violent, though.

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Are you KIDDING me?!


I can't believe this is happening in this day and age in the province I live in.


Well...what can you say. This was why i didn't want to go to london in the first place - but these people rarely act out and attack non-whites. I do find it funny that he hired a chinese guy as his lawyer.


Wow, sfinch, for the first time I can understand at all what you were saying about racism by certain low iq-ed idiots.

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"In September 2004 Winnicki and three others were stopped by the police as they were driving to rally in support of Holocaust denier Ernst Zündel in Toronto. He was charged with carrying a concealed weapon, having weapons at a public meeting and possession of a weapon for a dangerous purpose after Toronto police found throwing knives, a bow and arrows, and body armour in the vehicle he was driving to the rally. He pleaded guilty to weapons charges on November 23 2006, receiving a conditional discharge with 6 months of probation."




This guy sounds like he could be pretty violent, though.


lol no offence but I love how you gave all this info in quotes and cited wikipedia at the end! :P

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I don't know why some people are shocked that racism still exists "these days" or "this day and age". C'mon, if you're not white, you will have experienced some racism in your life, yes, even nowadays, as if racism is less prevalent now or something. People with racist views still exist and always will, maybe it's not as overt as it used to be in certain areas, but it still is quite overt in many places in the world. That's a fact I've learned to swallow after repeatedly experiencing racism. We're not living in some harmonious world where no one is racist, although we sometimes like to think we are.


Just wanted to add: it pisses me off that people hate people just because they're Jewish or Muslim or whatever, what does it really matter. I never understood why skin colour and religion or ethnicity caused so much hate. We're all the effin same. We're all humans and a Chinese dude can mate with an Indian chick and produce fertile offspring, so according to anthropologists we're one species and we're one race... the human race.

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^ Racism exists against whites as well. A friend of mine was shot because whites apparently weren't welcome at the particular venue we were at. Not saying its generally pervasive, just that we all face labeling or prejudice at some point, be it for skin colour, religious or sexual orientation, sex/gender, lots of things.


@ sfinch - you do realize that by making a blanket statement about London "this is exactly why I didn't go there" in response to a racist person making a sign, you're committing the same offense that the white supremacist on the sign is guilty of.


There are people with high degrees of racial prejudice in every city. Just because one of them in London made a sign and politicized it doesn't say anything about the city in general, as you've implied it has.

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  • 2 weeks later...
^ Racism exists against whites as well. A friend of mine was shot because whites apparently weren't welcome at the particular venue we were at. Not saying its generally pervasive, just that we all face labeling or prejudice at some point, be it for skin colour, religious or sexual orientation, sex/gender, lots of things.


@ sfinch - you do realize that by making a blanket statement about London "this is exactly why I didn't go there" in response to a racist person making a sign, you're committing the same offense that the white supremacist on the sign is guilty of.


There are people with high degrees of racial prejudice in every city. Just because one of them in London made a sign and politicized it doesn't say anything about the city in general, as you've implied it has.


Actually, the context of my post does not mean I regret coming to london. I said such people rarely act out - and that I do feel safe.


That being said, London is well known as an Ontario center for many hate groups. Not sure why - but it is. The number of blatant racists is relatively low - but noticable. I regularly see white power and nazi tattoos on people in this city - things non-whites may notice more than whites. Much more obvious here per capita than Toronto or Vancouver.

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