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Hey everyone,


I was wondering if I am taking 3 full year equivalents of 3rd year and higher this year (I'm in third year) and 3 other full year equivalents lower than 3rd year, if I get an A in one 3rd+ year course, but A+ in everything else, will UWO include the course in which I got an A in my calculation or not?



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Hey everyone,


I was wondering if I am taking 3 full year equivalents of 3rd year and higher this year (I'm in third year) and 3 other full year equivalents lower than 3rd year, if I get an A in one 3rd+ year course, but A+ in everything else, will UWO include the course in which I got an A in my calculation or not?




my understanding is they must include the course as they must count at least 3.0 senior courses during your 3rd year. This is to stop someone from taking say extra easy first year courses to remove harder senior ones from consideration.

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