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2011 Waitlist Thread

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I estimate that they call about 20 people once a week to give out offers. Since I am on the high wait-list and didn't hear anything yet, I think that the high wait-list may contain 40 or more people. If this is true, I am not sure how many more spots will be available after they get through it.


Inception...when I read your post, I died a little inside.


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let the high priority wait list be extremely conservative.


*Fingers crossed*

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I have to say that I too was greatly disappointed to learn that they didn't run through the entire high-waitlist on their first day of offers, after having said that they would only make offers once per week. However, if you want to remain optimistic about things, you could interpret their blog post slightly differently that people have been so far:


"...We will be making some offers this week once we have doublechecked our reports from OMSAS.


From this point onward, offers will likely occur about once a week or so until our class is filled..."


This could be interpreted as throughout this week they will make the offers to those on the waitlist, the number of offers corresponding to the number of openings in the class. Then from this week forward, they will only give offers once per week (as the waitlisters will have one week in which to decide). I also agree that it is possible that there is one or more members within the high waitlist that have not responded in order to remain on the waitlist, and the office is waiting until the deadline expires (June 1st) to pass these members over.


And yet, in spite of all this, I can't help feeling a little bit less optimistic about my chances today than I did yesterday.

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So we've seen 1 offer so far? That's...interesting lol. And you're right lkthlttr, the blog post could also mean after this week offers will go out once a week or so. That makes more sense actually.

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To all of us waiting...

High-, regular- and low-priority.

I would like to share a speech that really helps me when I am feeling scared or nervous...especially in this time.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

With such determination, love and passion have I wanted you...it's true. That every corner of this universe has conspired for me to get you.


I have often heard, if you want something with all your heart, then the universe will get to work in every possible way to try and help you attain it.

Today, I have finally achieved all that I have held dear...all that I have ever wanted. Thank You...to who? I am not sure. But, Thank You. I feel like the king of the world.


And today, I have also come to realize something...just like in the movies and the fairy tales, by the end, everything always tends to work out. Happy Endings, you know?

And, just in case, it doesn't work out...then, it's not the end. There's still a bit of a story left :)




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So we've seen 1 offer so far? That's...interesting lol. And you're right lkthlttr, the blog post could also mean after this week offers will go out once a week or so. That makes more sense actually.


I choose to believe this theory, because it is more optimistic lol.


And I think they may be waiting for some High Waitlisters to respond about whether they want to remain on the waitlist.


For example:

High waitlisters 1-6 may have been called today, But the admissions office had to stop there because they are still waiting on a response from high waitlister #7 about whether or not he/she wants to remain on the waitlist.


Does that make sense to anyone lol?

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So we've seen 1 offer so far? That's...interesting lol. And you're right lkthlttr, the blog post could also mean after this week offers will go out once a week or so. That makes more sense actually.


Four offers so far that I know of...

Two people added onto FB.

One on pm101.

One of my friend's friend got an offer.

Four in total - and I checked...no overlap

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I choose to believe this theory, because it is more optimistic lol.


Does that make sense to anyone lol?


Yep, I agree. That's it exactly!


I have the same amount of hope as I did yesterday, and maybe more, for obvious reasons.;)

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However, if you want to remain optimistic about things, you could interpret their blog post slightly differently that people have been so far:


"...We will be making some offers this week once we have doublechecked our reports from OMSAS.


From this point onward, offers will likely occur about once a week or so until our class is filled..."


This could be interpreted as throughout this week they will make the offers to those on the waitlist, the number of offers corresponding to the number of openings in the class.


I concur with Lkthlttr -this is what I figured, that admin is just sorting stuff out with OMSAS which isn't the most efficient system in the world to get final numbers and they'll continue to give offers each day this week before they settle into the once-a-week pattern. It's optimistic but it also makes the most sense. Theres at least 8 people declining their intial offers just on the forum, so the reported 4 waitlist offers today doesn't even cover those! Have faith people, there's no reason this year won't follow other years' pattern of 50-80 spots moving.

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Four offers so far that I know of...

Two people added onto FB.

One on pm101.

One of my friend's friend got an offer.

Four in total - and I checked...no overlap


A quote that I find inspiring, that helped me decide to go for my dream of practising medicine in the first place, and that will urge me on to try again, should I fall short this time:


"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat." Theodore Roosevelt

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I concur with Lkthlttr -this is what I figured, that admin is just sorting stuff out with OMSAS which isn't the most efficient system in the world to get final numbers and they'll continue to give offers each day this week before they settle into the once-a-week pattern. It's optimistic but it also makes the most sense. Theres at least 8 people declining their intial offers just on the forum, so the reported 4 waitlist offers today doesn't even cover those! Have faith people, there's no reason this year won't follow other years' pattern of 50-80 spots moving.


This is what im thinking too.

There has to be way more spots available and at this rate it will take until end of august to fill all seats..

I think they are waiting until the deadline to stay onthe wailist and then give out bunch of offers (first big wave) and a week later they send out second wave of offers from offers that were declined in the first wave and so on in the same fashion until all seats are taken

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In Anticipation of lots of movement today, lets try and keep the thread organized. Please provide the following info when posting about an acceptance so the rest of us won't have to ask!


Which waitlist (high/regular)

Time of phone call

Campus Offered

Preferred Campus


Goodluck to everyone today!

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Hey, long time lurker, first time poster.


Just got a call at 10:10AM with an offer for London campus, I was on the high-waitlist, with London as my preferred campus.


Good luck to the rest of the waitlisters!


Congratulations!! Thanks for letting us know. All you other lurkers (I know you're reading this!) should do the same if you hear any news - we really appreciate it!

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Congratulations!! Thanks for letting us know. All you other lurkers (I know you're reading this!) should do the same if you hear any news - we really appreciate it!


What is with this 1 person a day business goin on? All you out there getting acceptances, please post so the rest of us can retain an ounce of sanity! Please and thank you.

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Hey, long time lurker, first time poster.


Just got a call at 10:10AM with an offer for London campus, I was on the high-waitlist, with London as my preferred campus.


Good luck to the rest of the waitlisters!


Congrats, boss! Can you please post your stats in this thread or in this one: http://premed101.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2025&page=10

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Hey, long time lurker, first time poster.


Just got a call at 10:10AM with an offer for London campus, I was on the high-waitlist, with London as my preferred campus.


Good luck to the rest of the waitlisters!


Many congratulations! I am sure you will be happy and successful in London.


What is with this 1 person a day business goin on? All you out there getting acceptances, please post so the rest of us can retain an ounce of sanity! Please and thank you.


I know that it is in contrast with what they said (or rather, implied) in the blog post, but we're actually pretty close to the pace that was seen in last year's waitlist thread: http://www.premed101.com/forums/showthread.php?t=41902

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Long time lurker here... never really wanted to make an account and post, but I wanted to help you guys out in this case.


Was woken up by the call at exactly 10:00 am this morning from Pam. I was on high wait list. Accepted at London campus, which was my preference. I am a SWOMEN student.


Keep working hard guys, and I hope you all get accepted to Western this year. The feeling is unreal.

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What is with this 1 person a day business goin on? All you out there getting acceptances, please post so the rest of us can retain an ounce of sanity! Please and thank you.


Congrats Orion9 and Mr. White! Thanks for posting! but I'm still holding out hope that the lack of activity is due to the waitlist response deadline where we had to let them know "no later than June 1". It might be worrisome if it's this for the next couple of days.:o


edit: that must have been the best wake-up call ever!!!

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Long time lurker here... never really wanted to make an account and post, but I wanted to help you guys out in this case.


Was woken up by the call at exactly 10:00 am this morning from Pam. I was on high wait list. Accepted at London campus, which was my preference. I am a SWOMEN student.


Keep working hard guys, and I hope you all get accepted to Western this year. The feeling is unreal.


Congrats Mr. White and Thank you for making an account and posting, as I'm sure you are aware, the more information we have the better we feel :) Cheers

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Hi everyone,


pretty much same story as orion for me (first time posting and getting a call this morning). Was on the high waitlist, got my call at 10:08 am, accepted at london campus (my preference).




Non swomen

3.79 cgpa, best 2 years (2nd and 3rd year = 3.95, my fourth year was pretty horribad)



Best of luck to everyone else/hope you'll get that call from Pam soon!

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