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How do you deal with a course you really hate?


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I am sure that there is at least one course that you all love to hate. My question is how do you deal with that? I really hate math and anything related with math. This is really troublesome when I am trying to study for math :( Any tips on how to deal with this type of madness?

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Focus on the end goal. When I was interviewing for medical school, I stayed with a student who had a post it on her desk which said "Will this make me a better doctor?". She told me that whenever she was spending hours memorizing something hard, or was too tired or whatever, she looked at that, and it reminded her that it wasn't just pointless suffering. I liked that a lot - it really stuck with me more than anything about the school :P


Also, frequent breaks and short, frequent study sessions.


Plus, if you do well, it's done forever. If you fail it, you'll only have to do it AGAIN and it will suck worse the second time.

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Maybe this is bad advise :P , but if all else failed (e.g. trying to keep an open-mind, actively seeking a point of personal interest, studying with a friend who really loves the given course, etc.) I tend to procrastinate and wait until the pressure from an upcoming exam builds to a point where I'd have no other choice but to sit down and suck it up or otherwise face inevitable failure... it's juvenile in the sense that it's consequence based, but it's a "provened" technique :)


EDIT: Also, try to reward yourself every time that you've studied for an given amount of time

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Normally I'd be nice and supportive, but everyone else here already covered that base so I'll play devil's advocate...


Suck it up. You're going to have to do things you don't enjoy doing at many points before and in medical school, in residency, and most likely in your career afterwards. Learn to deal with them, and your life will get easier. The easiest way to deal with them is to understand that you have to, then just sit down and put your attention into the task at hand instead of thinking about how little you like the task at hand.


Of course, nobody does this perfectly, but the closer you can get to it the better off you'll be at most things.

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