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Question about Queen's University Grade Conversion for AMCAS

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Hello, I graduated from Queen's in 2009 when they showed both ABC/F and percentage grade on the official transcript. Now they changed there grading scheme, I was wondering if the ABC/F still shows on the official transcript from Queen's for the people who graduated before 2011, or they at least have explanation that before 2011, ABC/F was related to what percentage, etc. If anyone from Queen's who got the transcript verified using ABC/F, and still got >80=4.0, please let me know. I am kind of late submitting the AMCAS apps, but I am worried about how they will verify my transcript after seeing the 'unofficial' transcript on SOLUS showing percentage grade only. Thanks in advance!

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I am having same issue with my current application, as I graduated before 2011 and I am wondering how the AMCAS will convert. What ended up happening with your grade conversions? I hope they converted all the >80s to As.



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