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Hi, everyone


I live in Vancouver and I am wondering who is starting a study group for DAT in BC.


For the DAT, what materials should I start with? I browsed the UBC library and there isn't much material, as compared to MCAT or other college admission tests



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start with Kaplan blue book.

I would suggest IQ publications PAT A-C (although expensive theyre pretty good).


After that, get your hands on whatever PAT exams you can-no matter what you can never get enough. crack the dat pat is good i hear but then it is pretty expensive.


Kaplan should help you with chem but not bio-bio is kinda random... I dont think you can really stuff for it unless you have the background in uni bio.


Carving-IQ publications is good i hear-or if you want/have the money, take rock the dat in BC...

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I'm studying for the DAT as well!

I'm using Kaplan blue book and Kaplan white book (very similar in content).

I also ordered Cliff's AP Bio from amazon, because the biology in KBB seem overly simplified. Also have been referring to 1st year Bio/Chem textbooks on things I did not understand.


Oh and UBC Bookstore sells IQ Publication RC/Carving/PAT (3 of them) but all together cost $167 after tax....

Also 10 tests for Crack DAT PAT costs $129...


But I'm down for a DAT study group if there is one.

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