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Is it true that UofT discriminate against 3rd year applicants?

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Right off their website:


Minimum requirements:

at least 3 years of study towards a Canadian university bachelor's degree in any discipline (equivalent of 15 credits)

minimum GPA of 3.6 / 4.0 on the OMSAS scale

minimum MCAT scores of 9 in each section and N on the Writing Sample

applicants educated outside of Canada must complete the equivalent of a Canadian four-year university bachelor's degree (please see the section for International Applicants)


U of T, like all med schools that accept third year students have higher standards for those accepted before completing their degree. In the future, for questions like these, please use the search function on this site or simply visit the website of the med school; you will find good info that way w/out making threads about info already covered.

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Is it true that ppl with outstanding stats get rejected from UofT if they are third year?


People with outstanding stats get rejected regardless of what year they're in.


Third years typically need a higher GPA since they have had less opportunity to work on their non-academics. Also, third years don't qualify for wGPA, so you really need to be stellar.

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Discriminate? And this year’s most wildly inappropriate use of a word goes to.......


What? :confused: :confused:


Define: Discriminate


1. Recognize a distinction; differentiate.

2. Perceive or constitute the difference in or between

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So then can someone give an example of a competitive third year applicant, so we know what it takes?


How's this?

3.9 cGPA,


-above average ECs, 10 of them being 1-year long ECs for commitment


Competitive as a third year?


Your best bet is to go to the subforums for specific med schools. There is a stats thread listing all this info. Off the top of my head, in general, people who were getting in as third years, had minimum MCAT and GPA scores of what you listed. Their ECs were stellar. I remember one poster competed on the national level in a sport, besides coaching and other volunteer type things.


I'm not saying you need to be in the Olympics to get in, but many third years have a high GPA and do well on the MCAT. A good way to seperate yourself from the pack is to also have significant ECs that show leadership, commitment etc. Of course, you also need to interview well, have good references etc.

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