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Best Approach (material/questions)


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Hi Guys,


I am writing on August 23rd and feeling a little overwhelmed.

It's so much information and I feel like I am being bombarded.


In terms of ACING the MCAT - do you recommend reading material each day - thus familiarizing myself with it all?


Should I be doing 2 of each types of passages a day?


What is the most appropriate approach to this exam? I know it's a mixture of both - but I would like to hear your stories and how you've done well!


Cheers and thanks so much in advance :)



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There are few threads on this...but I'll throw in my 2 cents. I had the same problem with the information dump, but I found best way to get the material to stick are the passages. Read the chapter, then focus on the passages. I'll be honest by saying that it took me awhile to cover each chapter but I spent at 2x that on the passages. At the beginning i did a chapter/day, but now I can tackle more so I'm switching it up.

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I read the chapter. Do 3-5 passages depending on how much practice i feel i need. then move on to the next. It really just depends on how confident you feel with the particular topic. Obviously doing more passage's for practice can only help. Did you just start studying???? if that's the case i suggest trying to do as many chapters and practice passage's you can possibly do each day....

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