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Adding LOEs After Application Submission

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Hi Everyone,


Sorry if this is a stupid question but...I understand that it is possible to add LOEs after the Primary Application has been submitted. However, if I do this, will AMCAS have to review/process my entire application again? I just don't want to have any additional delays.


Thanks! :)

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No, they just process the letters as they come in and it is updated to your primary. The only problem that you could possibly hole yourself into is with assigning letters to a school, and not getting an assigned letter in to AMCAS. This might delay your application as schools might wait for the expected letter to consider you complete (which would suck especially if it may never come).

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No, they just process the letters as they come in and it is updated to your primary. The only problem that you could possibly hole yourself into is with assigning letters to a school, and not getting an assigned letter in to AMCAS. This might delay your application as schools might wait for the expected letter to consider you complete (which would suck especially if it may never come).


Thanks man, that was very helpful! I'll keep that in mind.

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