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For Sale/For Free UBC Textbooks

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I have a number of medical textbooks and handbooks for sale or to giveaway. I am at BC Women's Hospital, VGH and SPH regularly and would be happy to bring the books to you.


All books are in good to excellent condition. They are older editions as I finished Med in 2007 but are good basic texts.


If this ad is up, the books are still available.


Moore and Daley Clinically Oriented Anatomy 4th ed. $20

Rohen and Yokochi Color Atlas of Anatomy 5th ed. $20

Lange Medical Microbiology 22nd ed. $10

First Principles of Gastroenterology FREE

Lilly's Pathophysiology of Heart Disease 3rd ed. $10

Langman's Medical Embryology 9th ed. $10



Lange Internal Medicine On-Call 4th ed. $10

Mont Reid Surgical Handbook $15

HSC Handbook of Pediatrics $15

Pocket Medicine 3rd ed. (red book) $10



Beckmann et al. Obstetrics and Gynecology 5th ed. $15

Davidson's Priniciples and Practice of Medicine 18th ed. FREE

Ethicon Knot Tying Manual FREE

Canadian ED Guidelines FREE

Catholic Health Ethics Guide FREE



Thanks for looking.


Send me an email: alison.gregson@hotmail.com if you are interested.

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