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Is it going to be a dry Oweek like the rest of the campus? not sure if we start together with them or not actually... I guess not?


Nope we are special and completely separate :)


I do not believe it will be a "dry" event either - many of the events are actually off campus. Hehehe I feel I have to add the drink responsibly line here now - and on a more serious note other schools have run into problems with that in the recent past.

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When do we get our @meds.uwo.ca emails?


Additionally, can the @meds.uwo.ca e-mail be added to a smartphone? I just got an @alumni.uwo.ca e-mail address and I was surprised to find out that it does not yet support addition to a smartphone, so you have to actually check it using a browser... how barbaric hahah

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Additionally, can the @meds.uwo.ca e-mail be added to a smartphone? I just got an @alumni.uwo.ca e-mail address and I was surprised to find out that it does not yet support addition to a smartphone, so you have to actually check it using a browser... how barbaric hahah


You won't get that email for awhile - the class hasn't even been officially closed yet and then the IT people have set everything up :)


You can forward your mail to gmail for instance to get it on your regular phone system.

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