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DAT Carving - Tutor available in Vancouver

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Hi everyone :)


If you need to improve your carving score on the DAT and have trouble doing so on your own, I can definitely help you! I received a carving score of 30 on my DAT and have some great tips and tricks that I can show you--unfortunately they're the type that need to be observed rather than heard so it needs to get done in person.


PM me if you are interested! :) I've seen other people offer tutoring for 30/hour here so I'll do the same. 30/hour is not fixed though-- I can lower it under special circumstances. I know most of us here if not all are students so finances can be tight!


Let me know!



EDIT: Oh and I also have carving kits available (knifes+blades and official CDA carving booklets) as well as soaps! :)

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