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MCAT Score Deadline

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This is my first post to the forum, so if this question has already been answered or I'm not following any prescribed etiquette, sorry in advance. OMSAS states that MCAT scores must be released by October 11, 2012. If the expected date to receive one's MCAT score is listed as October 11, then would that be acceptable for OMSAS or does one need to allow more time between the receipt of scores and the OMSAS release deadline?


Thank you.

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  • 2 months later...
Will MCAT scores only be updated after the online application is submitted? I released my scores via aamc last week, but nothing showing on my application. thanks


I believe this is true. You should log back into OMSAS periodically after you submitted your app to check that they received your score and LORs.

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