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Who applied to SLU?

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I'm debating adding SLU to my school list. Just wondering how many of you applied to SLU knowing full well that if you're accepted, you'll have to deposit over $200 000 in an escrow account before matriculating. See this thread for more details: http://www.premed101.com/forums/showthread.php?t=45677


I understand that they're Canadian friendly but why bother apply if you wont be able to matriculate (atleast in my case).

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I'm currently debating adding SLU to my school list. Just wondering how many of you applied to SLU knowing full well that if you're accepted, you'll have to deposit over $200 000 in an escrow account before matriculating. See this thread for more details: http://www.premed101.com/forums/showthread.php?t=45677


I understand that they're Canadian friendly but why bother apply if you wont be able to matriculate (atleast in my case).


Don't apply if you can't pay.


You will be just wasting a few hundred dollars between the secondary and flight

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