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Some very BASIC questions about UofC Med School

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Hi everyone, I'm a high school studen who is interested in going into the medicine field in the future. Since I live in Calgary, UofC pretty much automatically becomes my number one choice for med school. (Sorry if I sound very naive.)


I have to apologize if some of my questions are TOO basic.. I tried to do my own research, however, all I could find was some old information. Therefore, I would like people how knows their current information give me some help.


1. What are their selection criteria for admission? (Detailed Breakdowns Please)


2. There are 180 quota in total and 85% are researved for Albertans correct? (I saw this on their 2009 admission manual so I would like to double cheeck.)


3. Are you able to write down the volunteer actitives you did in the past down? (such as ones you did back in high school?) If you have lots of volunteer activities back when you were in high school, but drastically decrease your hours when you are in university. Will it decrease your chance?


4. Do they believe in volunteer activities > personal hobbies (ex. play piano)?


5. Would they believe the quality of your volunteer experience > the hours you spend in them? (ex. one could have 50hr of "good" volunteer v.s. a 1000hr plain volunteer)


6. Will it be more beneficial for me to involve in volunteer activities involved people or health care v.s. other volunteer activities?


7. I hear you are able to drop your worst year..I'm a little confused. I'm not sure which senario is correct. A: 5 years of study, drop 1 worst year. They use 4 years' average GPA to evaluate you. OR B: 5 years or study, they choose 2 of your best two years?


8. UofC's full year = 8 course per year right? Would it be more beneficial to have full course load every year or to do the 8 courses per year work load? Will you be penalized for not having full course load?


9. What sections of MCAT are required by UofC?


10. What's the normal grade and volunteer hours for an individual to gain admission?


11. What's the normal years people would stay in pre-med before applying and gaining admission?


12. I'm curious if there's anything like an admission manual like the 2009 version but a more recent one. http://www.ucalgary.ca/mdprogram/files/mdprogram/Applican%20Manual%20Final.pdf


13. I just cheecked out this link provided by people in this form. Thanks. I would like to ask, what is VR in your acessment?


14. Also, it saids "10% for each of the following, as assessed by the file reviewers". How would they assess you? such what type of things can you do to make them give you a higher rating?


Again, I truly apologize for my ignorant questions I posted here. I hope to get some clarifications and information. Thank you so much for everyone who helps out!

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