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Anyone Considering Caribbean Medical School?

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Hello everyone;


Let’s cut to the chase! Right now I am a student at UofC and I am applying for 2011/2012 cycle. I am confident however I am not sure I will be able to get in this year.


I am 24 year old male and I am considering a Caribbean medical school. I haven't decided a specific one yet.


I am kind of scared about the whole thing and i want to ask if there is anyone that’s in the same position as me. If yes, we can do this together and i think it would remove considerable portion of anxiety.

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Consider, reconsidering.


Given the conservative majority, global economic turmoil, and plethora of other factors, coming back to Canada for IMGs will be very difficult. Please read some threads here, as well, do comprehensive research before you decide to go to Carribeans, since you will be incurring close to 150 debt minimum and upwards of 3K, plus interest, coupled with the fear of not having a residency spot.

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  • 3 weeks later...
You have IP status...it is MUCH more worth your time and money to spend trying to get in here (esp. U of C) than the Carribean. You can also apply OOP as well if you improve grades/MCAT/ECs (the whole package).


I know a family that is down in Saint Eustatius (near Haiti I think) and the husband is at their School of Medicine. Now bear in mind that he went down there because A) he didn't have a degree only a few university courses and B) they had a few houses they owned and after selling them, went down with 500k in their pocket.


For that school specifically you spend 2 or 3 years getting your med pre reqs and then your actual med courses done, then you go up to the states and stay in a city and complete your clerkship rotations. Bear in mind this is at your own expense AND the med school there doesn't have agreements to do their clerkships all at one hospital, or even city, so he has to go hopping around the country, six weeks or so at a time completing these, again at his own expense. So once that is done, he competes for a residency which he is likely to get in the US but unlikely to get in Canada. I spoke with him about the prospect of getting stuck in the US and he was fine with that.


So the moral of the story...if you have 500k in your pocket, no degree or premed prereqs, don't mind hopping all over the western hemisphere to get your med degree and will be happy being stuck in the states...maybe that is for you. I really looked into it...I mean really looked into it. Seeing their family blog with his wife and kids playing in the ocean, the laid back lifestyle, almost guaranteed acceptance, etc. It was tempting but I got an interview last year at NOSM last year so hey, if I can actually be in the running, then I need to stick it out. For me, personally, its too great a risk. Especially with a wife and 5 kids :)


Best of luck!

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It took me two years after getting my undergrad degree to get in to UofC and UofA. I am 24. I am not so pessimistic about overseas schools. Caribbean is not so bad when you compare its costs to an American school or to Australian, UK and Irish schools. PLUS depending on which school you choose you have a guarantee of placing in the states as you do your rotations there and finish half your degree in the states (Ross does this).


Factors to consider in your choice: Do you have the money? Are you willing to do more school to improve grades for a Canadian school? Are you willing to wait? Are you ok with potentially practicing in the states? Are you willing to work in the states for a few years, do your Canadian exams and come work in Canada later?


I know 3 people that finished school in the Caribbean. One is doing her residency in Peds at the Children's hospital, another is a family doc in Ottawa and the third is a psychiatrist in Seattle, he just finished Res. It's a daunting road, but I don't think it's a worst case scenario. Just thought I'd give some ups of these schools. It isn't easy to come back but it isn't impossible. Do what you feel is the best choice for you. I am so grateful for being at a Canadian school (so happy!), but I really wanted med and would have gone to an international school is not accepted this year.

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