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GPA average boost with 5th year of undergrad?

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Hi guys


If we finish our undergraduate degree but decide to stay back a year to take some courses (prereqs for other med schools that Im missing) after graduation, would those marks count towards your GPA?


I know it for McMaster they look at all "undergrad" marks and calculate a simple average, so a 5th year grad wouldnt be included is what Im assuming. Also, would it make a difference if I chose not to graduate until completing my prereqs (not sure if thats possible)?


Thanks guys.

I'm sorry if there is another post, I've searched the forums for Mac but couldnt locate any.

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Mac will take into account any and all courses you take, even after you graduate. Most other schools in Ontario won't look at marks outside of your degree. I think it's beneficial to delay graduation if you know you can do well in the extra year, just so you can use it to boost your GPA for other schools.

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Mac will take into account any and all courses you take, even after you graduate. Most other schools in Ontario won't look at marks outside of your degree. I think it's beneficial to delay graduation if you know you can do well in the extra year, just so you can use it to boost your GPA for other schools.


Thanks for replying! I'm considering delaying graduation and hopefully do well.

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