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Application submit page question

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For the submit page-- I don't recall being able to read everything on the screen, there was just a box you had to check and then hit submit.


If you go to "app status" tab, as long as payment has a green check and submitted does too (below it will list the date you submitted) you should be fine. (I had called admissions a few days ago about this, as my computer froze right when payment was being submitted :o --if you also go to the payment section you should have a transaction number listed with the time as well)

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Yikes, sorry to hear that.


You shouldn't write off the other schools. Are you in-province in Alberta? The University of Alberta is still accepting applications. If you do apply elsewhere, there's a chance you could be going to med school next year. That way the work for your application for the University of Calgary won't be totally wasted.


I suppose no one needs to remind you what you've learned from this situation, but please do apply that lesson to future applications.

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:D Same here, epson, same here. Gah!


What a horrifying moment. I just sent them an email, informing them of the time problem. Hopefully if they receive enough complaints, they'll realize the mistake, and give us some sort of recourse to re-submit the application!

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I just really think it's dishonest. It said MDT on the application manual (which we are told to consult as the bible in the application process) ... and UCAN apparently is set ahead of it.


Yes, they warned us not to submit on the last day due to fears of some computer meltdown; but, the system clock not corresponding to the actual time is another issue.

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Very true! Again, I can't see them not granting some sort of exemption to the likes of us. :) Don't even worry about it; the fault wasn't on our end. And, besides, they do specify the deadline to the minute. I know it's probably to avoid the AM/PM confusion of 12:00, but it also does imply some sort of rudimentary accuracy on their part -- in an online application, there's really no excuse to be so far off.


Worse comes to worst, though, I was aiming for U of A anyway. :D

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Very true! Again, I can't see them not granting some sort of exemption to the likes of us. :) Don't even worry about it; the fault wasn't on our end. And, besides, they do specify the deadline to the minute. I know it's probably to avoid the AM/PM confusion of 12:00, but it also does imply some sort of rudimentary accuracy on their part -- in an online application, there's really no excuse to be so far off.


Worse comes to worst, though, I was aiming for U of A anyway. :D


Sadly, I'm pretty sure U of C was my one shot - a lower GPA due to being in the honors program but great experiences;


I don't think they will take the applications but I can only hope they will as I don't think you can fight with MDT

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I have a REALLY bad feeling that this was done on purpose to punish people that work right up until the deadline; if that's the case I really do feel that is it dishonest to have UCAN set to a time that doesn't correspond with MDT if the application manual specifies MDT.


I understand that a deadline is a deadline; but, if we're working off different ones is that fair at all?


I feel like EVERYTHING that I worked for was wasted right now.


I know, the U of A is still accepting applications; but, U of C I feel was my one shot and to be honest first choice. I love their approach.


While I appreciate everyone's positive attitude, I really don't think they will be accepting our applications - life hurts right now.

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Hi maroon,


I think Dr. Walker will address this in the next day or so. Stay tuned and you should hear something.




April Gustavsen

Office of Admissions & Student Affairs

Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary



thanks for sharing this; i think i made at least 5 calls all going to voicemail


moreover, all the junk food in my house is now gone .... what a horrible 48 hours

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