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Verifier for an activity

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I put down as one of my activities that I have been studying languages for the last 16 years (French, Arabic, Russian). I have verifiers for French but really the only one who could verify the others (as they have been done on my own mostly through self study) is my wife. I have her down as the verifier but I know that isn't optimal. I don't really have anyone to verify all 3. I am leaning towards just having her as the verifier as opposed to telling someone who can verify french, "oh yeah I have abilities in Arabic and Russian in case they ask"


Any opinions on the matter? Should I change out the activity if I can't find a non-relative verifier? Would they just disqualify it if I don't have a non-family/friend verifier?



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I was under the impression that they don't really call verifiers so much, and I think they understand that not every activity will have a verifier. For instance, let's say you play piano. Can't exactly call up the piano teacher from 15 years ago and ask her to be a verifier. In fact, the piano teacher wouldn't necessarily even know you still play. Your brother, mom, uncle etc could verify it though. And for something as "extracurricular" as an art like music, painting, language, they could just hand you a brush and canvas, or a guitar and pick and say "go" to verify if they wanted :) I don't think activities like these need as concrete of a verifier compared to something like a full-time job. Hope this helps. Good luck!

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