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I was just approached yesterday by my supervisor who told me he forgot to submit the reference he was supposed to give me! I couldn't even respond to him. He had so much time and I had even sat down with him to answer some specific questions he had a few days before when he said now his reference was finished. He told me he had it completed and saved it but just didn't submit it. I know there is no way now for it to go in. I can't even process it, all this time and effort and he just forgot the one thing I asked him to do. I think this will especially affect me because U of C changed the format this year and he was to comment on my leadership and management skills which is pretty important! Just felt like venting a bit to people who would truly understand what this means, thanks for listening.

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I don't even know how to respond to that... I would've been so upset if this happened to me. It must have been difficult to keep your composure when he was telling you that. Sorry to hear about it, but at least U of C will still forward your application to file review and they will still mark the two references they DID receive. keep your chin up! best of luck

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I was just approached yesterday by my supervisor who told me he forgot to submit the reference he was supposed to give me! I couldn't even respond to him. He had so much time and I had even sat down with him to answer some specific questions he had a few days before when he said now his reference was finished. He told me he had it completed and saved it but just didn't submit it. I know there is no way now for it to go in. I can't even process it, all this time and effort and he just forgot the one thing I asked him to do. I think this will especially affect me because U of C changed the format this year and he was to comment on my leadership and management skills which is pretty important! Just felt like venting a bit to people who would truly understand what this means, thanks for listening.


Is it completely too late for him/her to send that in? What would they do if it arrived now?

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I believe they are re-opening the application for 15 minute periods over the next couple days. Submitting the ref late may be actually be possible.


Quote from admissions:

As you are aware the clock on the UCAN application was out approx. 12 minutes which meant the application closed approx. 12 minutes early on the Oct 15th deadline.


To resolve this issue we will re-open the application for 15 minutes allowing those who needed to make the final payment and submit their application to do so.


You will be allowed to log on to your application at ONE of the following times:

Friday Oct 21 at 4:00pm-4:15pm MDT,

Saturday Oct 22th at 9:00pm-9:15pm MDT and

Monday Oct 24th at 8:30am-8:45am MDT.

If you attempt to log in on more than one of the available dates your file will be terminated.


Please make sure you have logged into UCAN at least 5 minutes early to allow for slight variations in individual computer clocks. You will only have 15 minutes according to UCAN.

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don't think that re-opening the application will have an effect on submitting references. the references still had to submit before midnight Oct 15th... Dr Walker posted this on the blog


It seems that referees did not get shut out 12 minutes early like the applicants. Seems the UCAN clock may have been running fast (like I said, we are still working this out). So, if it was submitted at 00:08 on the UCAN clock, then it was actually before midnight, despite what the time stamp says. We have a short list of letters that were submitted after 23:50 on the 15th. (apparently referees procrastinate too – who knew?) We are dealing with these on a case by case basis. If it appears the letter was submitted before the deadline, it will be accepted. If not, it will not be.


so in this case it wouldn't make a difference.

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I was just approached yesterday by my supervisor who told me he forgot to submit the reference he was supposed to give me! I couldn't even respond to him. He had so much time and I had even sat down with him to answer some specific questions he had a few days before when he said now his reference was finished. He told me he had it completed and saved it but just didn't submit it. I know there is no way now for it to go in. I can't even process it, all this time and effort and he just forgot the one thing I asked him to do. I think this will especially affect me because U of C changed the format this year and he was to comment on my leadership and management skills which is pretty important! Just felt like venting a bit to people who would truly understand what this means, thanks for listening.


Hey Gerrardfan, don't sweat it too much =)


To quote Dr. Walker:


"There is no dedicated score for the letters of reference. We score the entire application (which includes the letters of reference) on the basis of specific attributes which we are interested in. One of these is advocacy. If you do not submit an advocacy reference letter, the assessors are simply going to have less to work with vis a vis that attribute. Ultimately it is your call, and I can’t really advise you about what to do."


He mentions "advocacy", but obvious this applies for any of the 3 reference letter traits. Honestly, I don't think it should affect you provided you talked about your leadership skills thoroughly in your activities :)

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Don't sweat it. It's still possible for you to get in. I had some terrible terrible reference letter scores at Calgary, and still managed to get in this year with a reasonably healthy margin for error.


They have changed the system a lot, and I admit I'm not aware of the changes, but I don't think this will kill your application. Don't give up hope.

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