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GPA Calculation Out! (but don't see a posted GPA)

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Same situation here. Email sent, no news or change in GPA yet. I'm obsessively logging into UCAN myself, I wish I could break that habit. I'm also going into admissions blog withdrawal. I would love to hear some updates about how the admissions process is going. January feels so far away... :)

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What happened at Queens? Was that when they sent out a bunch of acceptances that should have been rejections? Dear god that would be horrific.


Thankfully it was the other way around. For interviews, they rejected a lot of people. A couple hours later, some of those people received an 'oops' and an invitation.

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I'm wondering if maybe it's because I took four courses a semester for some of my years of university and those semesters contained pass/fail courses. Anyway, I know they are working on IT issues, so I think I will wait a few days to see if anything changes before I send an e-mail.


UofC will only count FULL YEARS (24 credits) in your gpa calculation. So if you took pass/fail courses in your undergrad, these years will most likely not be included in the gpa calculation even if you took some non P/F courses that year. It sucks for anyone who did a nursing degree as much of the course work is P/F.

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Whoah, my aGPA on UCAN is horribly low. I guess I need to score super high on that MMI.


Actually, does anyone know what Dr. Walker said to those who came to talk to him about Aboriginal applicants after the podcast finished? It would be interesting to know. Thanks in advance!


No idea ... I was there but I don't recall him saying anything special about Aboriginal applicants (though I didn't approach him afterward). Maybe in the applicant handbook? Search of these threads would almost certainly turn up something too.

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I read the manual and it states that you do get invited for interview if you are above 3.2 GPA. So that is good. However, you don't stand any kind of chance if they simply stack you up against IP (you are considered IP as an Aboriginal applicant as it states in the manual) post-interview. This makes me nervous. That's why I was wondering what Dr. Walker said. Maybe I'll email him!

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My aGPA still hasn't been fixed. I emailed Adele last tuesday and she said that they will fix it once she goes through all the 700 emails. Has anybody who got the same response had their GPA adjusted by now?


I'm in the same situation, she told me that it would be changed to the correct GPA but I'm still waiting for this to happen. I'm sure it takes some time for them to change all of these manually etc.

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Same boat here. I finished a grad degree and the posted GPA doesn't include my GPA from my graduate degree. I emailed her again on Friday, got no reply so emailed her again this morning. She finally replied to my email from friday and doesn't seem very pleased that I am reminding her. The response was quite rude actually. I understand there are a lot of emails Adele has to deal with but just the same, as an applicant, we get quite worried when things in our app are wrong. It would help to get an approximate date that they would have the changes done by...I'm glad to know some people are still waiting for changes/corrections.

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It took about ~5 days for me to hear back from her ... very reasonable considering that she's got a bazziliion emails to respond to, details to check for each one, follow-up etc. etc. All this takes time. She seems to be the only one doing this, so it's actually pretty damn impressive she can respond as quickly as she does.


I'd say give her a bit of time guys. As long as you have an outgoing email proving that you sent the information, and are sure that you sent it to the correct address, then you're good.

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Adele emailed me back saying that my gpa (after the worst year dropped) should go up a bit but it hasn't been updated. I'm sure it'll be soon though since like everyone said, she's probably just insanely busy updating/replying to all the emails she received in the past week.

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It took about ~5 days for me to hear back from her ... very reasonable considering that she's got a bazziliion emails to respond to, details to check for each one, follow-up etc. etc. All this takes time. She seems to be the only one doing this, so it's actually pretty damn impressive she can respond as quickly as she does.


I'd say give her a bit of time guys. As long as you have an outgoing email proving that you sent the information, and are sure that you sent it to the correct address, then you're good.




Anyone who has worked in office admin will know what she's going through right now. Imagine that each of our problems takes about ~5 minutes, ans if there are 700 of us... that's nearly 60 hours of work. She's doing a fantastic job, especially considering that this is something that should have been worked out with IT and was not, and now it seems to be on her shoulders.

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