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My Chances at UWO

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I don't know what will happen this year since only students that will have degrees at the end of this year can apply, but last year only students with 86+ average received interviews. The overall entrance class average was 89.15. Many believe that it will drop a bit this year, but unfortunately I don't think by a margin as large as 5%.


Try looking into australian and US schools.

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Hey everyone, what do you think my chances are?


I went to York U for undergrad and used the following scale based on OMSAS to calc %:








best 2 years % is 82.06 and 81.65, ave= 81.85

Still waiting on DAT scores




you may have a shot at UofT...however:

whats your best 3 yrs (must include last year) gpa?

you may need to do a masters to improve your chances..

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honestly, I've never seen anyone who goes to York getting this low mark. Along with Western, isn't York where everyone is supposed to get 4.0 gpa easily?


lol. I'm taking kin courses at york now, and class averages are in the 60's. Lot's of people do poorly at York.. not because it's hard, but because of the types of students that go there. I've been to 3 schools and york students are definitely different...

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As far as I know, your York transcript will not include percentages. It will only show the letter grades. 80-89 will appear as an A. What the other provinces do with that is uncertain.


I have a somewhat unrelated question ... For York's GPA system, Since 81-89% is 3.8/4 does OMSAS and schools out of Ontario Convert the lower 80s to 3.7 and higher 80s to 3.9 or does the whole range of 80s stay at 3.8?
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They would convert it to a percentage by taking the midpoint of the range that letter represents


A+ = 90-100 --> 95

A = 80-89 --> 84.5


edit: YorkU will never give you a percent. Depending on the schools that you apply, they MAY convert your GPA to a percentage.



Wow okay I didn't know that, thanks! I guess that's what people mean when they say it sucks to get an 89 lol

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I got my 1st degree at Western and am working towards 2nd at York. Doing much better at York b/c I study lot harder not b/c of what's mentioned by reddish.


ps. Yea York never shows percentage on their transcript. And it really does suck getting 89 and not being bumped up

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