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Verifiers being contacted?

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Hey - that was me.


I'm thinking my verifier might have gotten UBC mixed up with UCal or something. I know UBC has contacted verifiers but I don't know which other school has besides UBC. I KNOW that one of my other verifiers for UBC has been contacted PRE-interview decisions.


Sorry I don't have a definitive answer but my verifier has exams now as well so I can't get contact him for an answer.


Oh well.


In other news - new GPA calculations come out this Friday yay.

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Dr. Walker posted a new blog entry and mentioned this (can't believe he follows premed that closely!! Best admission person ever?). No verifiers have been contacted yet.


Super nervous to find out about top 200...wonder how long they'll wait to tell us after they've posted our correct GPAs

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I've asked for one of my Jan-August years to be counted as a full-time year, and so I'll have to see if they include it or not. I'm looking forward to seeing the GPA again.


AND- WHOA- he actually mentions this site? Wow. Like he says, it does provide good insight into how we think, and I am glad he's promoting it as a community.


It looks like the verifier being from UofC was mistaken... phear, I betcha it was UBC. They do it throughout the process (and congrats on the interview there, by the way!) :)


:D ***waves to UofC adcom***:D

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:D ***waves to UofC adcom***:D


^ Awesome lol


I'm trying to calm myself down about the top 200 :P My GPA is not amazing, but still higher than the lowest they accepted for an interview...and I have a 14 in verbal. Anybody else doing crazy stats and equations to calm themselves down? :P

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^ Awesome lol


I'm trying to calm myself down about the top 200 :P My GPA is not amazing, but still higher than the lowest they accepted for an interview...and I have a 14 in verbal. Anybody else doing crazy stats and equations to calm themselves down? :P


Haha YES, i thought i was the only one slowly going crazy; nice to know I'm not alone.


I'm IP but still super worried about how it will all turn out considering that the system is so changed from last yr.


Things that got me worried were the increased # of applicants from last yr - potentially making it harder to get an interview for us non 4.0 ers; to speculate though I think GPA will stay the same: though the lowest yr is dropped it may be offset by grad school GPAs only counting as one full yr. Thoughts?


I also find myself rereading my answers over and over ... :( This process is nerve wracking.

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I just want to get an interview so I have an excuse to fly to Calgary, see a friend, and take advantage of her Flames season tickets.




Pretty sure that's just an "added bonus" right? You really do want to get into Calgary!!!


(Hint on next reply: Admissions officers from Calgary do have the internetz.)

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