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UTSC-COOP management or life sciences for med school?


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Hi, i am interested in business studies and sciences and its hard to choose between the two but I sort of have a bit more favor to sciences. I wanted to apply to utsc for coop management or coop cell & molecular biology/or neuroscience. I heard good things about management at utsc and i also wanted to apply to med school. Would it be a good idea to do management and take the prerequisite courses for med school (which are like some first year life sciences courses). Alot of people told me life sciences is useless and very difficult to find a job with. If I change my mind and dont want to do med school anymore, I thought i could still get a job and specialize in accounting with BBA degree.


Do you think its a good idea to do this. How hard would it be to get a good GPA in management vs. life sciences (neuroscience) at utsc? Anyone in these program would be helpful to give advice. thanks

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