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Chances for Western/Toronto

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Hey I feel not bad about my DAT scores. I have always done poorly on RC practice tests and I knew that would be my weak point for the test. But For western I met the 18 cut off (assuming it's going to be the same this year). What do you think my chances are for getting an interview or an acceptance at U of T or at Western?


How about McGill? (cGPA I'm guessing around 3.73 and I'm Oop - didn't do too well first year)



Bio: 21

Chem: 21

AA: 20

PAT: 23

Grade: 88-89%

GPA: 3.9



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Hi to both,

RC - 18

BIO - 23

CHEM - 24

AA - 22

PAT - 19

GPA - ~89% for Western and 3.89 for UT. Only schools I applied to.

According to stats for Western last year maticulants had average of 21 for RC and AA. I can't find anywhere about the proposed "cutoff" for RC and my heart is sinking like a tonne of rock. I really have no good feeling about my status this year.

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Hi to both,

RC - 18

BIO - 23

CHEM - 24

AA - 22

PAT - 19

GPA - ~89% for Western and 3.89 for UT. Only schools I applied to.

According to stats for Western last year maticulants had average of 21 for RC and AA. I can't find anywhere about the proposed "cutoff" for RC and my heart is sinking like a tonne of rock. I really have no good feeling about my status this year.


RC cut off for an interview last year was 18, after that, they look at your AA in the final percentage.

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I have a 91.45% average for the last 2 years....


My scores for the November 2011, CDAT were, Bio: 30 Chem: 24 RC: 17 AA: 24 (99%)


Since my RC score was at a 17... Based on that are my chances zero for UWO... like is there any exception to this cutoff given that my academic average is still well over the requirement ??????

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If I'm from uft, how would i convert my marks to westerns % wise, when taking into account some courses are full years and some are half, sorry, i am a bit confused on this one, any help would be appreciated, thank you!


Well assuming you took a full course load. First find the omsas conversion chart. Find your school. For U of T use column 3. Use the midpoint for each grade. Ie A+=95. then for full year courses times by 2 then half year courses times by 1. Then add together and divide by how many "half year equivalents"

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Long time lurker, first time poster...


I'm applying to Mcgill, UofT, UWO, Dal this year.


My 2 year percent gpa is 88.5%

My 3 year gpa is 3.903 (also cgpa I guess)


AA 23 PA 24 MDT 19 RC 22


What do you guys think?


You will be good for U of T and uwo, not sure about dal if your mdt is low and what you need for oop. McGill will also depend on your ECs and references

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ok say if I apply 4th year to western, would they only look at my 2nd and 3rd or do they you a tentative offer, or something along those lines. Or would I have to wait to apply in my 5th year for them to look at 3rd and 4th year, thanks!


Only avgs of years completed by applicaoon deadline will be taken into account says their site. So you are correct in your logic

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