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What does the ad/com see?

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Hi there,


1. So when the McMaster ad/com reviews our applications, do they see:


Introduction to Stats 1 - 90%


Introduction to Stats 1 - 4.0



I fit into the 3rd tier on the OMSAS conversion scale.


2. Do they calculate our G.P.A based on the educational semester/year (e.g. I took 2 second year courses, a fourth year course, and a third year course this semester) OR based on how they fit in to make up our four year undergrad (e.g. calculating all fourth year courses together)?


Sorry if this has been asked, I couldn't find it in the search.



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They only see one number...your cGPA. This is your CULMULATIVE GPA, i.e. every grade you have ever received, converted to OMSAS, and then take the average.


I hope you don't mind me asking but, what is your basis for this statement? I've never heard anything like that.


In the Mac admission process there are 3 potential places where you can be cut:


1) Before getting an interview. This cut is made based on cGPA, MCAT VR and Casper.


2) After your interview. This cut is made based on cGPA, MCAT VR and MMI score.


You can find the formula's for these 2 cuts here:



The final cut is made during "File review". As far as I can tell, that's the first time a person actually looks at your file. I'm pretty sure at that point they will be able to see all your marks. My guess is that they will look at them converted to OMSAS GPA's but I don't know that.

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