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Are you a Yorkie Premed? (York Premed Discussion)


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From the YorkU Memes FB page:


I just finished my class with a professor who used to be a part of CUPE. She informed us that based on her past experience, the strike seems very likely to happen this time.

Now, few things. She said there are two possible outcomes. Either classes are suspended for the duration of the strike , or they will be in session but beyond picket lines. The strikers are not allowed on university property so while they will attempt to slow students down, students are able to attend class. However, no one will be penalized for staying at home if they are uncomfortable crossing lines. She also says that CUPE participating staff will not be holding class.

For those worried about their credits and graduation, she assured us that the admins will never allow for credits to be stuck in limbo. In the worst case scenario, the course will be shortened and evaluated on minimal submitted work. So everyone can relax a little. She does advise that you stay updated on work and readings in the case of a strike, as things resume very quickly once it ends.

Again, I have no idea how accurate this information is but this is just me regurgitating a 45 min discussion on the subject.

Don't take any of this as fact but do take note.

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From the YorkU Memes FB page:


I just finished my class with a professor who used to be a part of CUPE. She informed us that based on her past experience, the strike seems very likely to happen this time.

Now, few things. She said there are two possible outcomes. Either classes are suspended for the duration of the strike , or they will be in session but beyond picket lines. The strikers are not allowed on university property so while they will attempt to slow students down, students are able to attend class. However, no one will be penalized for staying at home if they are uncomfortable crossing lines. She also says that CUPE participating staff will not be holding class.

For those worried about their credits and graduation, she assured us that the admins will never allow for credits to be stuck in limbo. In the worst case scenario, the course will be shortened and evaluated on minimal submitted work. So everyone can relax a little. She does advise that you stay updated on work and readings in the case of a strike, as things resume very quickly once it ends.

Again, I have no idea how accurate this information is but this is just me regurgitating a 45 min discussion on the subject.

Don't take any of this as fact but do take note.

Someone else told me their professor said pretty much the same thing a couple weeks ago! According to that prof if the strike isn't resolved by the end of the term they'll give you an option to take whatever mark you had in the course up to when the strike happened and get the credit.

Hopefully with this new tunnel crisis York wouldn't want to bring any more bad PR their way and they'll cave *no pun intended *

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The problem is that even if it isn't a super long strike, we're cutting it pretty close as the term ends in 5 weeks. I've been hoping for a 1-2 week strike, but anything that means I have to take my current grades as final grades would suck a lot (unless my profs are nice enough to bump me up 1%)

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The inconsistency of marking at york is such a joke that it makes me want to take MC-only courses from now. I just got back my test for a course and I got 86 (25% of the test was SA questions). My friend who literally missed one of the SA's got 90.5 and we had the exact same mark on MC. I was sure that her TA must be different because my SA answers were definitely superior to hers. Not surprisingly, I found that her TA was different, and that all the other people I know who had her got amazing SA marks, while my TA screwed everyone over on SA. I'm so angry because this is not the first time I've dealt with arbitrary Short Answer marking. Last semester I got a B+ on a humanities essay and I switched to another tutorial who I heard had an easy TA. I ended up with A+ in the course in the end.



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Yeah that makes sense. I'm still not sure what side I'm on except to say this action has zilch to do with improving quality of education at york as CUPE claims it's trying to do.


All that will happen is more tuition hikes, increased parking fees, etc for students.


I'm really at crossroads with education in this country. The groups who seem to benefit from all these tug of wars are those who aren't students. Cost go up, quality and service goes down.

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So my supervisor confirmed that the school cannot give you a grade based on what you've done prior to the strike. He also said that they will most likely go on strike, or be in legal strike position on the 3rd, and then they have a 10-15 day period to set up the picket lines. After the picket lines are set up, the school will be closed.


I imagine full time faculty will still have class during that 10-15 day strike incubation period. After that lol

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I'm getting conflicting messages from YORK and CUPE. York keeps emailing that the negotiations are going well and a disruption will most likely be avoided. CUPE's website on the other hand focuses on the parts of the proposal that York is neglecting. I can't really tell what's going to happen :/

And with respect to what will happen following the strike, I think it's best to just check out this blog to see exactly what happened during the course of he 2008 strike. If you go back to Nov2008 you can find exactly what happened following the strike.



EDIT: Here is where it all began.



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I spoke to some grad students today. Only the social science types want to go on strike, but I think they may represent a large majority.


Not surprised by this at all.  And I can see why they would. SS/Arts teaching/TA'ing is much more intensive. How many papers do core science types mark?

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Not surprised by this at all.  And I can see why they would. SS/Arts teaching/TA'ing is much more intensive. How many papers do core science types mark?


And of the ones that science TAs mark, there is usually a rubric, so it is much easier to mark. I'm thinking we find out tomorrow if York goes on strike - we will follow what happens at U of T.

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Anyone know the word on UofT? I'm thinking York would be more inclined to strike if UofT TA's did as well.


Deadline seems to be midnight for UofT but there's been no recent updates that I could find.


It's interesting that classes are still held at UofT if TA's strike though but the entire York campus would be shut down... lol (at least this is what I've been told by profs)

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Anyone know the word on UofT? I'm thinking York would be more inclined to strike if UofT TA's did as well.


Deadline seems to be midnight for UofT but there's been no recent updates that I could find.


It's interesting that classes are still held at UofT if TA's strike though but the entire York campus would be shut down... lol (at least this is what I've been told by profs)


Contract faculty will also be on strike at York.

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