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Go check your GPA on UCan

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Don't freak out with the email in your inbox from Calgary admissions. It's just telling you to check your GPA by Monday- so go do it! Make sure it's correct.


With all the changing GPAs around, I don't really trust it to be the same as it was even a month ago. Go check.


This concludes your public service announcement. :D

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Uh.... OK. Sorry?


I'm IP. Maybe it was just sent to IPs?


This is the email I received:


Dear Applicants,


This is your final chance to notify the office of admissions – Adele Meyers: meyers@ucalgary.ca if you have a discrepancy with your GPA. You will need to inform Adele by 10:00am MST on Monday Jan 23rd. The GPA number that we have in UCAN will be considered the GPA record as of that time, and no further revisions or appeals will be possible after that. We have corrected all the errors that we are aware of at this time. If we have already addressed your concern, you do not need to contact us again.




The Office Of Admissions

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That email sounds pretty self-explanatory to me...are you sure you needed to make an entire post about it and scare the living hell out of me?! :D


I'm an OP as well, so most likely there is no need for alarm.


Best of luck everyone!


Sorry guys- to be honest, it did scare me a bit getting an email from the adcom! I thought everyone else would be too, and wold be too scared to open the email, and would miss checking their GPA, blah blah...


I really was trying to be helpful. :)

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Sorry guys- to be honest, it did scare me a bit getting an email from the adcom! I thought everyone else would be too, and wold be too scared to open the email, and would miss checking their GPA, blah blah...


I really was trying to be helpful. :)



No worries, all the best.

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