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Keeping yourself distracted until May

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So, ever since the interview, I can't help but keep thinking about it and wishing that I could fast forward til May :P How are you guys keeping yourselves distracted until then?


I'm trying to focus on school but it's hard. I keep wishing there was something else I could do to improve my chances this year but everything's pretty much set in stone at this point!


Two more months of agony....

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I am planning on training for a run, I was thinking maybe even a triathlon.


But to be honest, I have so many term papers due in the next week that I haven't started that at all! I haven't run for a few days... bah.


I would be very interested to hear what others are doing!

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Totally not related but I saw this comment on the blog ...


"I think it would be more appealing to people if FM paid more! haha" - Alanna


Really people? Don't become a physician if your motivation is financial - there are easier ways to make money, if that's your sole purpose.


But, I guess genuine interest in anything is rare these days.


Just some friendly thoughts.

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Totally not related but I saw this comment on the blog ...


"I think it would be more appealing to people if FM paid more! haha" - Alanna


Really people? Don't become a physician if your motivation is financial - there are easier ways to make money, if that's your sole purpose.


But, I guess genuine interest in anything is rare these days.


Just some friendly thoughts.


Sorry, didn't mean to rain on anyone's parade - that comment just upset me. Back to studying ...

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I'm busy until the end of the semester, but from end April to May 15th, if I don't have a lab to work in, I'm going to try to learn piano.


If you're still at school, keep in mind that you may need this semester's grades in case you get rejected on May 15th.

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EDIT: Check out one of Dr.Walkers posts in the comments section about the May 31st deadline. I figured some people would want to know where I got that date from:



May 31st is the response for answering acceptances though - so results will still be emailed on May 15th, but people will have until May 31st to either accept or reject offers. So the waitlist won't have any movement until June.


I'm not sure if that's what you meant but just wanted to clarify.. so results will come out May 15th.

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Sometimes I wish they gave you like daily status updates - you could log on and see your current standing, and how many are left to be interviewed.


That'd be awesome if you were high or low, but maybe even worse if you were in the middle?


I have a sneaking suspicion I'm going to be too low after that bad interview day =(


But yeah - for now, just focusing on doing well in the last interviews, once that is over then I'll bring out the crazy extra hard I'm sure haha

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Totally not related but I saw this comment on the blog ...


"I think it would be more appealing to people if FM paid more! haha" - Alanna


Really people? Don't become a physician if your motivation is financial - there are easier ways to make money, if that's your sole purpose.


But, I guess genuine interest in anything is rare these days.


Just some friendly thoughts.


Would you be a doctor if it was a volunteer job? :P

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Would you be a doctor if it was a volunteer job? :P


Only if I felt it was beneficial to my application to become an astronaut. =P


....jk obviously - but nobody would work a career with 40hr weeks and not get paid unless they just won the lottery. In which case, sure why not - I'd be a very happy doctor haha

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From one of the blog comments, Dr. Walker posted "We may release a few days early if everything is in place"


What do you guys think the likelihood of that will be? It would cut short the torture by a few days which would be nice... and U of C has been known to release acceptances at 4AM previously...

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Train up your starcraft skills to battle your fellow med students when you are in next fall.:P


My husband is going to teach me to play protoss :D


Also, I am finishing my semester in a month, and then SUPER AWESOME VACATION TIME. Hopefully, I'll be back Mid-May, and then it will just be a couple days to kill.

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Scrambling to pull together my last few essays and clinical hours so I can graduate. May 15 comes to mind many times a day though:eek: . Planning fun stuff with friends for after this semester is done. Biking trip around Quebec would be awesome, or canoeing in algonquin!

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