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Let's compile a UofC textbook list!

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Hey current UofC Meds,


I was wondering what kind of textbooks are used for the various courses. A friend is offering to give me a good deal on some of his books, so I want to check if they are indeed ones UofC uses before I buy them.


Here are a few that he has offered to sell:

Rapid Interpretation of EKGs by Dubin, 6th ed.

Basic Immunology, by Abbas, 3rd ed.

Obstetrics and Gynaecology by Beckmann et al., 6th ed.


Would any of those be useful?



Thanks in advance!

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There is a list floating around somewhere of books that people have found useful. They'll hand it out at orientation, and the bookstore has it I think, and LostLamb probably has it (she's a lot more organized about that sort of thing than I am!). I actually thought Dubin was okay, but if had known that he was a convicted pedophile before I bought it, I probably would have bought a different EKG book. Not sure about the other two on your list. It's really all sort of a matter of opinion - there aren't specific books that you have to buy, and different people like different things, and there are lots of options. I don't necessarily always buy the same books that other people buy - I just go to the bookstore and see what's available and what looks readable to me. The people who work at the bookstore are incredibly helpful, too.

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I actually thought Dubin was okay, but if had known that he was a convicted pedophile before I bought it, I probably would have bought a different EKG book.


What difference does it make if he was a pedophile? Hell, a weapons trader who's also an electrophysiologist could have written the text--what an author has done in their life should have no bearing on what makes a good EKG text.


Offense intended: you sound like a prude if you won't buy a book out of principle just because he's a pedophile. Maybe you shouldn't go to the washrooms cleaned by murderers, or have your car fixed by mechanics with rap sheets...

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What difference does it make if he was a pedophile? Hell, a weapons trader who's also an electrophysiologist could have written the text--what an author has done in their life should have no bearing on what makes a good EKG text.


Offense intended: you sound like a prude if you won't buy a book out of principle just because he's a pedophile. Maybe you shouldn't go to the washrooms cleaned by murderers, or have your car fixed by mechanics with rap sheets...


^^ lollll


If someone doesn't want to read a text that a pedophile wrote, then that's their thing. There are obviously a bunch of reasons why someone would choose to spend their hard earned dollars elsewhere. And I hope you weren't serious when you were comparing pedophiles to "weapons traders" or people with "rap sheets".


Now back to this textbook list. Should be really helpful for those that are fortunate enough to get admitted this year!

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^^ lollll


If someone doesn't want to read a text that a pedophile wrote, then that's their thing. There are obviously a bunch of reasons why someone would choose to spend their hard earned dollars elsewhere. And I hope you weren't serious when you were comparing pedophiles to "weapons traders" or people with "rap sheets".


Now back to this textbook list. Should be really helpful for those that are fortunate enough to get admitted this year!


Yeah I totally agree. Besides the fact that your post being extremely rude to astrogirl, many people choose to NOT buy products from criminals or what not have their legit reasons, one being not want to financially support these people. Are you saying you will still buy coffee or gold/diamond knowing that these products are from companies that use child labor or financially supports terrorist militant groups? I don't think so.

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Yeah I totally agree. Besides the fact that your post being extremely rude to astrogirl, many people choose to NOT buy products from criminals or what not have their legit reasons, one being not want to financially support these people. Are you saying you will still buy coffee or gold/diamond knowing that these products are from companies that use child labor or financially supports terrorist militant groups? I don't think so.


Ok, I'll bite.


First, I'll apologize. I was a bit abrasive in my comment to Astrogirl.


However, it rubs me wrong that someone whose career will one day require them to advocate for their patients will so easily dismiss the value of a text solely based on who the author is and has done. Not too long ago someone might have said the same about a text written by a homosexual. While it's right to recognize that some things are socially unacceptable, in this particular circumstance, the fact that Dubin has a criminal past has no bearing on the value of his text ipso facto. Many gays wrote and said inspiring things yet their opinions were thrown under the bus alongside their unorthodox ways of life. Like Rapid-ECG, it is the words that are important; the context less so.


Moreover, since the book has over time proven its pedagogical value, and how so many students recognize the text by name and by cover, this alone is testament to the fact that the text should still be read because it provides knowledge that is relevant and presents it in a simple, easy-to-read manner. Though the author may have no merit, the book certainly does.


I recognize that astrogirl is obviously familiar with the text. But her comment may foster a feeling from others who may now be put off by Dubin's past and discount the book's value before having picked it up and read it. This is no different than everyone who criticizes the bible using anecdotal accounts without actually having read it.


Besides, you'd be foolish to not at least give the text your own quick read over and merely herald someone else's inclination.


BTW, I don't like Rapid-ECG much... 12-lead ECG: The Art of Interpretation is much easier to read and provides hundreds of full 12 leads. Much more expensive but commensurately more comprehensive.



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There is a list floating around somewhere of books that people have found useful. They'll hand it out at orientation, and the bookstore has it I think, and LostLamb probably has it (she's a lot more organized about that sort of thing than I am!). I actually thought Dubin was okay, but if had known that he was a convicted pedophile before I bought it, I probably would have bought a different EKG book. Not sure about the other two on your list. It's really all sort of a matter of opinion - there aren't specific books that you have to buy, and different people like different things, and there are lots of options. I don't necessarily always buy the same books that other people buy - I just go to the bookstore and see what's available and what looks readable to me. The people who work at the bookstore are incredibly helpful, too.


Can you go bug LL for me and tell her to scan and post the list? :P I haven't seen her online in a while.

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I'm sorry for the threadjack, mm, but I feel like I need to say a few things here. I didn't mean to say that no one should even read Dubin because he's a sex offender - I said I wouldn't have bought it had I known that. I don't have a problem with reading something written by someone who has done things I don't agree with - I do have a problem with giving them my money. I honestly wish that I had known that before I bought his book because I have my own, very personal reasons that I will not share here for feeling that way. I did, however, read his book cover to cover and learned how to read EKGs from it. I think it's worth reading if you can get it from the library. I did not mean to in any way discount what he wrote because of his other actions - I just wish I had someone had told me.


And I just want to respond to this statement as well: "it rubs me wrong that someone whose career will one day require them to advocate for their patients will so easily dismiss the value of a text solely based on who the author is and has done"

I realize that you don't know me personally and I'm pretty sure you didn't mean this as a personal attack. There are a lot of things in my life that I don't talk about on here because I have never attempted to keep myself anonymous. But if you did know me and my background, you would know that I am nothing if not an advocate for friends and others who have been discriminated against based on sex, race, sexual orientation, religion, various illegal activities including drug use, etc, etc. I don't typically talk about it on the internet because these things aren't my stories to tell. But I have actually made a lot of enemies in the past by standing up for people to various authority figures on power trips. I've made some vague allusions on here to the fact that my PhD was, at times, an absolute hell - a large part of that was because I chose to defend certain people who were being marginalized. I plan to continue to be that kind of advocate for my future patients even though I know from experience what can potentially happen to me if I do.


If I gave the impression at all that I would dismiss what anyone had to say because of who they are or their past activities, criminal or otherwise, then I am truly sorry - that is the exact opposite of the kind of person that I try to be (and hope that I am). All I meant was that I wish I had known the whole story before doing something that would financially support someone who had had sex with a child. And I know a lot of other people who feel the same way. And holy crap I need to stop talking now because this is not the point of this thread! Sorry!


MM - I think LL is probably not going to be online tonight, but I'll ask her tomorrow if she has that book list.

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