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3 vs 6(or more) credits Biochem for 1st yr med / successful application

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Hi, any U of C med students out there who only took one 3 credit Biochem in their undergrad and found that they were/were not adequately prepared for the first year material? Or people that took 6 credits of biochem and found that some was review? I took 3 credits of biochem a long, long time ago, and don't remember very much of it, just wondering the amount of knowledge in this subject the prof's assume the students know. Have other med applicants just done 3 credits Bioch too or have lots of you done 6 or more??


I was also considering doing an online Biochem course through Athabasca U, since I may very well get rejected from U of C on May 15 (hopefully not though!), and 6 cred Biochem would be neccessary to apply to more schools the following year, such as UBC. Also, I seem to remember U of C having on their website that 6 credits Biochem is not neccessary, but it does help out an application (perhaps in the "subjective assessment portion"). Any good threads answer this already?


Thank you!!:)

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Hi EricG,


Not to worry, I too only took one biochem course (3 credits)! :) There's no "formal review" of biochem at UofC med, and the basic sciences that we do get is really targeted and practical. I have not been disadvantaged in any way by having just one biochem.


I suppose if you are interested in specializing in lab medicine, having an additional biochem might be useful... But otherwise, it's not a problem at all.


Good luck on the 15th!


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