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Major Requirements/Courses

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I was hoping that someone could answer a couple questions regarding courses at U of C. I'm transferring to U of C from UBC (didn't like it there).

Has anyone here taken Bio 311 and 331? Are they difficult courses, or average in terms of difficulty?

I have taken the equivalents for Bio 241/243, but I didn't do as well as I had hoped (lacking effort), so would it be recommended to take them again before taking Bio 311 and 331?

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Bio 311 when I took it (back in 2006) was a good course. Nice labs, fair exams, can get a good mark with the effort put into it.


Bio 331 was not a good course. Agreed with the other poster, the material was very dry and dull. I seem to remember tests were straightforward and I also believe I had 3 proff's who took turns teaching it and had subsequent different parts of the exam.

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