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Neuroscience undergrad at Ucalgary

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The psych courses you take are still pretty heavily neuro-based, such as neuro development, cognitive neuroscience, behavioural neuroscience, neuroanatomy, and behavioural pharmacology (involves a lot of brain physiology). These courses vary in difficulty according to who is actually teaching them, but they're all really good courses.


The worst part of this degree in my opinion is the philosophy requirement that you have to do. This is why I didn't take the program, because it's a pretty useless requirement. You'll also take the basic science courses (gen chem, o-chem, bio, biochem, physics), as well as some psychology requirements that are non-neuro-based (intro psych, research methods and stats).


The best part of the program is the research. You get the opportunity to do a lot of research, and at the end you'll complete an honours thesis, which is fantastic experience should you ever want to pursue grad school. I know a couple of undergrads in the program who've had their summer research published.

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