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extracurricular activities?

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I have several questions about ECs..


1. Do the medical schools consider about the ECs you did in high school? Is there a specific time period they are looking at when they consider about ECs?


2. If you came to Canada in the middle of high school..do they consider about the ECs you did in another country?


3. How do you present your ECs in your application? You just mention them one by one? what kind of proof do you have to present?


Thank you very much :)

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Generally, you indicate your ECs from age 16 and above, however, if you started your activities earlier and continued them beyond age 16 (as I have, where I have gained both expertise and recognition through accomplishments), then it is wise to list them. You fill out the form in a manner that markets you listing the skills and development you attained in the character limitation. And you give a verifier for each activity.

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Yes, but unless you won a major competition it is not likely to have any impact unless it is an activitiy you have kept up, e.g., commencing to learn a musical instrument from age 7 that led to awards at age 19 demonstrates perservance, dedication, commitment, focus, expertise.


I was involved in one activity from ages 12 through 14 that was life changing, that inspired and motivated me to join EMS, to follow my health care studies and to become a physician. So, I listed this activity and dealt with it in my autobiographical submissions.

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hmmm, my biggest thing was founding a scholarship for schizophrenics... not cancer, heart disease... yup, those nutty ****s that talk to themlves... no disrespect to the other 2... but well, we have a half full cardiac hospital, and 1/10th of that cash would build great community outreach,... remember that 80-20 percent rate variability for acute psychosis... well, shoot... community initiative... but i'm not iving them a pill... man, my doc must not be real since she does all funding paper work herself, diagnoses tumors, sleep studies, enlarged right ventricle, no dsm, but harrisons... so much im... plus yeah, all the paperwork... plus well she deals with incest victims, ptsd, borderline... and well, her success rates are double normal, which is good, especially because most psychs cant handle her patients... last time i was in there was a cult leader... not the bread and butter the guy in the other thread i was talking about is used to... she even does some physical med... because my gp sucks... and well she doest most difficult psych, reads her own neuro, imaging (basic) slep studies... oh, not a treater, but a diagnostician... actually knows how neurpsych assesment works, crazy eh... last psych i saw said i didnt have adhd because my working memory is too high, even thought i met every criterion... wow, you're stypuid, using it 24/7 for 3.5 years makes it go up... it used to be like 30, not my fault its over 90 now... i guess that's too subjective... you wulndt want to be called a charlatan now... also, is poor working memory rsult of lack of executive function or vice verca... i can tell you vice verca... so psychoeducation counts, learn the systems, self modulate, change your brain... lol, i wonder what her answer would be.... i think id ask her to phenomenelogically describe the persience of using working memory, it's almost lke running, racing so you can make propositions and keep facts in memory, very draining at first... ventually, well, i think faster than most... my disadvantage... couple with creativity and diverse knowledge base and i begin to think smartis the stupidist word invented... how can i spike my woring memor enormously... obviously intelligence is very malleable. at least in my case, linguistic/abstract conceptual... 4 years ago i did esl, now i scare linguistics professors... no braging... but ppl have to stop pigeon holing themselves... most people can imagine shapes when they close their eyes, i can't, i know that's weird, i could develop it if i tried, but it would interupt the fluidity of thought and be counterproductive.... then again, most peoples attention lies external to themselves... meta-cognition, isn't hard, but strange to initiate...

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you know, i agree with the dude who sais listening activities is elitist, i slept with homeless people and pulled stamples out of arms... save a life... and i can't put that on an app... more meaningful than getting the government of canada millenium awards... someones not dead... it's like, my god... scary, when in real life its like... if i do that out of duty and care... what do you think im going to do with real patients... i also lent a buddy 5g because his schizo mom was stalking him, helped put him thru school... ****, im a nice guy... but better keep it boring... lol... oh, that scholarship i founded, found a clever way to make money, i could have kept, ut gave it away.... ya... u kow giving too much of a **** in institutions that want cookie cutters does get annoying... u of t was only res in caanda i found acceptable... personally, i'm tired of being smarter than some of my deans and intimidating their moral beliefs... it's like, honestly, i didnt go thru enough ****ed **** so you can tell me about mental health... or what box you feel people should be in... i have such a strong urge to transfer to a big name, huge school in states... and ppl r like good luck... lot i let everything out here, and it 2 percent... honestly i often feel like well want someone to go to stanford to do an pd/phd, im not asking, im offering, because well, you wanna look goood, you wanna hire me... no wet lab optho gunning for me, but a major demography on outcomes, satisfaction, mental illness, career success, etc... love to a huge metanalysis... and god damn, guess unlike the bio researchers i can pull the stats... guess social science are valuable... especially when u take 50 courses in 4 years... wow, do i seem pissed off... i guess im tired of being around people who think titles make them important... oh, your going to be a surgeon, great, do you care, are you willing make a sacrafice to change lives, do multiple degrees, no, im not nuts, an mph would be fun so i no longer have to deal with dsm cownboy, because honestly, i wanna run a retroactive analysis for a year, incidence of multiple diagnoses, predictive power of diagnoses, just pick apart that overly simplistic post rosembaum modern bible in latin, only the priests are taught... or in this case the mental health professionals, i dont care, i wouldnt diagnoses someone who can write 50 page phenomelogical accounts, trace the hiostory of the proprietary book with the equivelant validity as a mental health book from scientologists... like evn chrio, a pseudoscience... these are future doctors... a 1/3 of medicine is pseudoscientific at the time you're doing it, there's so much "intuition" involved at times in some frield... we know infections cause white blood cell increases, thats the scientific causal part... the diagnostics, much more pseudoscientific... much treatment... probabilitic but pseudo... and if science is defined by ellucidating mechanisms, i'd be interested if someone could settle once and for all how lithium work.. there's two big theories... but honestly... noe cares, it works... i prefer lamictal, since transplants in 2 years arent fun... so yeah, lol, being a doctor at times is being a mechanic... frankly, often i think when talking to someone my understanding of inferential thought processes is more certain than what drug pgysician x will try before he get's his lab, unfortunately, this is self evident, so i ca't prove it, but well, my guesses are right over chance with trememndous stat sig... does that mean psychotherapy can be scientific to an extent... thats a decent r and r2 value



Yes, but unless you won a major competition it is not likely to have any impact unless it is an activitiy you have kept up, e.g., commencing to learn a musical instrument from age 7 that led to awards at age 19 demonstrates perservance, dedication, commitment, focus, expertise.


I was involved in one activity from ages 12 through 14 that was life changing, that inspired and motivated me to join EMS, to follow my health care studies and to become a physician. So, I listed this activity and dealt with it in my autobiographical submissions.

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