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I know that the MMI score is added to the scores from our supplemental essay, autobiographical sketch, and academics, but does anyone know how each component is weighted to give a final score for admission?

Is the interview weighted more than the other components?

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  • 3 months later...
So does anyone have any specifics of what MCAT, GPA and EC's will get you what score? and what is the average Interview score/how is that scored?


It's been posted before (for MCAT, GPA). Try searching the forum (I don't remember off the top of my head). You can't determine your EC score.

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I found this in one of the accepted/rejected/waitlist thread:


GPA:3.73 last 3 years (11/15 on last year's score breakdown)

MCAT: 34R 12BS/10V/12PS (9/10 for last year's group)


In line with this, I've been told more than once that a 35 MCAT=10/10. It is also obvious that a 4.0 GPA=15/15. So from that and the above, you can kind of get an idea of how those 25 academic pts are scored. Since the minimum GPA and MCAT you can apply with are 3.3 and 24, respectively, I assume that those score 0 or near 0. The average for last years class was 3.8 and 29. So probably something around 13/15 GPA and 5/10 MCAT.


If you find more hints towards the scoring on the forum let me know. I'm interested.

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I found this in one of the accepted/rejected/waitlist thread:


GPA:3.73 last 3 years (11/15 on last year's score breakdown)

MCAT: 34R 12BS/10V/12PS (9/10 for last year's group)


In line with this, I've been told more than once that a 35 MCAT=10/10. It is also obvious that a 4.0 GPA=15/15. So from that and the above, you can kind of get an idea of how those 25 academic pts are scored. Since the minimum GPA and MCAT you can apply with are 3.3 and 24, respectively, I assume that those score 0 or near 0. The average for last years class was 3.8 and 29. So probably something around 13/15 GPA and 5/10 MCAT.


If you find more hints towards the scoring on the forum let me know. I'm interested.


Thank You very much DocAndy. I have seen this before but could not remember where I found it, perfect. I am right where I speculated I would be for points. Obviously no idea about supplemental:confused: probably lower except for that bonus, overcoming adversity ftw! I'm hoping my essay was good too! I am coming in around 70, I think in my mind, that is with a great interview. I had heard average interview for accepted students was mid-high 20's. I also heard some people who were wait-listed were mid-high 60's. Does anyone have any concrete info on those accepted or average interview scores?


*shoot, I missed the EC's section in my excel sheet. I could be 75 or lower....probably lower.

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So the essence of the score breakdown is as follows:


40% interview

15% GPA

10% MCAT

10% essay

25% supplemental (5% for each of the 4 sections, 5% "bonus" points)


10/10 for an MCAT score of 36 or greater.

15/15 for a GPA of 4.0*


*A GPA of 3.95 gets rounded up to 4.0, and a GPA of 3.94 gets rounded down to 3.9. GPA is calculated using the OMSAS conversion scale.

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Actually, the minimum GPA of 3.3/4 gets you 8/15 points (going up 1 point for every 0.1 GPA increment), and the minimum MCAT of 24 gives you 2/10.


The average interview score for accepted Nova Scotians during last year's cycle was 29.23/40, the average supplemental score was 23.99, the average GPA was 3.82, and the average MCAT was 29.15.


These numbers might not be all that meaningful for this year's cycle, though. Remember it's the total z score that determines how applicants are ranked, not the score out of 100. The z score just corrects for differences in variance among the different score components and is a more fair measure. For example, the total z score would be calculated as follows:


40[(interview score - average interview score)/standard deviation of interview scores] + 35[(supplemental score - average supplemental score)/standard deviation of supplemental scores] + 25[(academic score - average academic score)/standard deviation of academic scores].


An applicant who is on average 1 standard deviation above the mean on each component would have a z score of 100. An average applicant would have a z score of 0.


The admissions committee will provide waitlisted/rejected Maritimers with their overall scores, but not their z scores, as this would allow applicants to determine their position on the waitlist.

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Actually, the minimum GPA of 3.3/4 gets you 8/15 points (going up 1 point for every 0.1 GPA increment), and the minimum MCAT of 24 gives you 2/10.


The average interview score for accepted Nova Scotians during last year's cycle was 29.23/40, the average supplemental score was 23.99, the average GPA was 3.82, and the average MCAT was 29.15.


These numbers might not be all that meaningful for this year's cycle, though. Remember it's the total z score that determines how applicants are ranked, not the score out of 100. The z score just corrects for differences in variance among the different score components and is a more fair measure. For example, the total z score would be calculated as follows:


40[(interview score - average interview score)/standard deviation of interview scores] + 35[(supplemental score - average supplemental score)/standard deviation of supplemental scores] + 25[(academic score - average academic score)/standard deviation of academic scores].


An applicant who is on average 1 standard deviation above the mean on each component would have a z score of 100. An average applicant would have a z score of 0.


The admissions committee will provide waitlisted/rejected Maritimers with their overall scores, but not their z scores, as this would allow applicants to determine their position on the waitlist.


Perfect , thank you very much!


The 5 sections are



3-Medical related,

4-jobs and

5-awards and accomplishments.

***Then the 5 bonus after all is said and done, it is an actual bonus. I had in my sheet that the bonus was included in the total 100, which it is not.

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Actually, the minimum GPA of 3.3/4 gets you 8/15 points (going up 1 point for every 0.1 GPA increment), and the minimum MCAT of 24 gives you 2/10.


Thanks for the information. Very happy with the GPA info. However, I question the MCAT information. My spouse applied last year with a 24O and received a 6/10 for that section. So the 2/10 may not be true, at least it wasn't for last year. Also, I'm not sure how that would scale. If you simply divide the remaining 21 MCAT points into the 8 Dal points = 2.625 MCAT points per 1/10 Dal point. So a 30, which was the average score, would only give you a 4.3 / 10. I doubt it works this way, I think I just felt like doing some (likely incorrect) math early in the morning!


It would actually make more sense if it changed each application cycle via the use of a z score.


EDIT: Just checked, she also scored a 13.5 for a 3.8 GPA. Therefore, the GPA isn't as simple as 1 Dal point per 0.1 GPA point, but it's pretty close!


EDIT2: Silvantes, I know that last year a 69.75 did not reach the wait-list score.

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Thanks for the information. Very happy with the GPA info. However, I question the MCAT information. My spouse applied last year with a 24O and received a 6/10 for that section. So the 2/10 may not be true, at least it wasn't for last year. Also, I'm not sure how that would scale. If you simply divide the remaining 21 MCAT points into the 8 Dal points = 2.625 MCAT points per 1/10 Dal point. So a 30, which was the average score, would only give you a 4.3 / 10. I doubt it works this way, I think I just felt like doing some (likely incorrect) math early in the morning!


It would actually make more sense if it changed each application cycle via the use of a z score.


EDIT: Just checked, she also scored a 13.5 for a 3.8 GPA. Therefore, the GPA isn't as simple as 1 Dal point per 0.1 GPA point, but it's pretty close!


Yeah, the MCAT does seem off, I have a 31 and am giving myself a 7/10 in that section, It may very well depend on the application year. I would love to know how this section works. Also someone with a 3.7 (was mentioned earlier was given an 11 but according to the new info, it should be a 12, I am 3.7 and gave myself 11.)

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Does anyone know what sorts of things bonus points are given for? And how many bonus points an average applicant would get? So far all I've heard is that grad applicants receive a 1-2% bonus.



discretionary points/5 : overcoming adversity, etc. used by the admissions committee discretion.


Also I just reviewed this info: supplemental info.

a. Interests/clubs/societies 5pts

b. Medically related experience 5pts

c. Volunteer experience non medically related 5pts

d. Jobs held while in university (and after) 5 pts


****Soooo, The bonus is included in the 100


It is all in this link, from 2 years ago*. PDF -It also states that 24=2 :confused:



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This conflicts with the supplemental form which includes 5 categories before bonus :confused:





This form has

EC's (interest/clubs/societies)

medical related



awards. (where did this go?)


***I wonder where they put awards from that other presentation.

I am going to assume they added awards and changed discretionary points to bonus points that now are on top of the total 100 possible points.

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So does anyone have any specifics of what MCAT, GPA and EC's will get you what score? and what is the average Interview score/how is that scored?


this yrs application cycle: 27 MCAT, 3.9 GPA = 21/25 academic score

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Yes - they state that admissions cannot provide application feedback.


My rejection letter included the average scores for successful applicants in my category (Nova Scotia): GPA, MCAT, supplemental/essay score, and MMI score.


Then included my application score: academic (gpa, mcat) /25, essay and supplemental /35, and interview /40.

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Two questions:


Is it the quality or quantity of activities that matters? I haven't held many jobs so I thought maybe I was lacking in that area.


My rejection letter said no feedback. But, other people have said that IP students can get feedback. Could someone please clarify if they know. Can't get through to the admissions office.



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Up until this year IP students could get feedback, but not this year for some reason.


It is definitely the QUALITY of your activities that matter. I think that it is more meaningful to show dedication and commitment to a few activities, rather than hopping willy nilly from one thing to another.


Last year my extracurricular activities brought my score down quite a bit and I am sure that they were one of the main reasons why I wasn't accepted. When I applied this year, my extracurricular list was pretty much the same (with a few additions), but an entire year was added on to many activities. I also made sure to be clear about what skills I learned or used in the description box for each entry. I don't know what my score breakdown this year was, but my GPA and MCAT would have stayed the same and my interview only felt slightly better than last year. I am convinced that I was accepted this year because I better represented the quality of my ECs.



Two questions:


Is the quality or quantity of activities that matter. I haven't held many jobs so I thought maybe I was lacking in that area.


My rejection letter said no feedback. But, other people have said that IP students can get feedback. Could someone please clarify if they know. Can't get through to the admissions office.



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