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Chemistry/Biochemistry in Quebec


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Hi folks, I am new on this forum, still long time lurker,


I have a dilemma in picking the University for my undergrad


I am planning to apply to a bach degree in Chemistry/Biochemistry, the univ I might consider are McGill, Univ de Montreal and Concordia,(don't want to move out of Montreal, like it too much :) )


What would be your pros and cons for each of these, and also what would be most advisable combination (Majors or Minors offered) for an Honours/Specialization in Chemistry/Biochemistry, not only from the perspective of a premed but also from the perspective of a graduate of these specialties in general - should I not get into med school, what would help me more in getting a job as a chemist?


Would appreciate a lot your help and advices

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I don't know much about Quebec's universities, but from what I've heard (so take it with lots of salt), you would be better off going to McGill or UdeM in case you don't get into med.


thanks for reply,


may I ask, is it because of the quality of studies or is it something else that I should consider, thinking of these three schools

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