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UBC Dentistry Interview and PBL

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Can anyone elaborate on the interview style and how to prepare for it and the PBL for UBC? The interview invites for OOP were sent out today and it indicates the interview will be about 10mins! Isn't that a bit too short? and also, i heard that it is possible for the OOP to request to do the interview at a nearby location in order to save them some money..is there any truth to this? Any info/advice/tips would help!

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also wondering the same thing! is UBC MMI style this year? ie. are there several 10 minute sessions? A single 10 minute interview sounds very short. thanks for any help!


I heard from Jacky and Vicki in the beginning of the year that UBC would be switching to MMI. However, from the email they sent out, it seems like they will be doing just ONE 10 min interview (short, i know). They should be more clear whether or not they are doing a several 10 min interviews...or are infact, doing MMI style.

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I heard from Jacky and Vicki in the beginning of the year that UBC would be switching to MMI. However, from the email they sent out, it seems like they will be doing just ONE 10 min interview (short, i know). They should be more clear whether or not they are doing a several 10 min interviews...or are infact, doing MMI style.


From what you have said, I am guessing you got an interview invite?

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their email suggests that it's only going to be 10min and probably just a conversation between you and the dentists/students...cuz those who applied for ubc medicine, they were told about their interview (which is a day after ours) early December and were specifically told it's going to be MMI...

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Hi, I just graduated from Sydney dental school last year in 2012.


Our unis are supplying way too many dentists these days so there are no jobs for us in Australia. We need to put food on the table as well so that's why we are coming to steal ur jobs in Canada! It is not our fault that Australia dental job market is so poor.


Look online and you can find many references about how our Australian Dental Association is trying to convince our selfish Australian government that there is an oversupply but they are not listening.


Now it seems like you Canadians will have to pay the price for their policy!


Take a look:



It says "one in five dental students in Australia cannot find work after graduating in 2012."

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thought id share some tips for pbl, based on my experiences from last year


first of all a quick explanation of pbl:

1. pbl case is given to you page by page. the next page will not be distributed by the tutor unless they feel that the group has answered the question properly.


2. PBL is like a story. it starts off with what the patient currently is experiencing, some background information about the patient's social/medical history, some sort of intervention being applied, results of that intervention, then the ending (patient gets better or not).



Page 1-- Lin is a student. she didn't have breakfast. she went to the gym before class to do some laps. she went to class and felt dizzy and fainted.


questions on this page will probably ask you to hypothesize why she fainted, how eating helps prevent this, etc.


Page 2 -- Lin was rushed to the hospital. upon admission her vital signs were (BP: #, HR: #,...etc). her blood glucose was: #. her mom was called in and she had a lot questions regarding lin's condition


questions here will probably ask you to interpret these numbers, what tests should be ordered, what you should tell her mom


and so on, you get the point!



1. the main purpose of pbl is to NOT show off your knowledge. i can't emphasize this enough. PBL is there to assess how you function as an individual, in a group. if you don't know anything about the topic, try to contribute as much as you can with some educated hypothesis. admit to the group that you don't know much about the topic as it is not your background. use resources--you should have a medical dictionary of some sort on the table, suggest to the group to use it when you get stuck!


2. do NOT dominate. you need to give balance participation. even if you know the topic really well and feel that you can probably answer the whole case..dont! if this is the case, you can become a facilitator to the discussion. suggest a few things and then ask the rest of the group what they think.


3. use the whiteboard! jot down key points, summarize concepts, draw things, do a web diagram..whatever! anything that can help the case. tutors love the board


4. manners, etc.-- although it's a given, be polite, respectful, give way to each other, dont interrupt, let everyone have a chance to speak, etc.


5. if you find that your group has spent a long time on one question and you're about to move onto the next section, try to summarize that question first. say something like..."just to make sure we're all on the same page, we said that for question 2 blahblah". this shows that you were listening, that you can summarize and that you're showing off leadership skills by putting everyone on the same page.


6. if you find that the group is getting off track, you can politely ask if the discussion is still relevant to the case and if not, it might be good to go back to the case & manage the time more effectively


7. be careful of your non-verbal messages!


8. act professional. this is very important. humor is okay to break the ice but dont be inappropriate.


9. take turns reading the case out loud. if a big paragraph chunk lands on your turn, break it up and give someone else a turn.



thats all i can think off right now. ill add more if i remember. hope this helps but remember, this was based on LAST YEARS PBL. things could be different this year

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