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different CV format

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Hello all,


I had an interview and was asked about dates on my CV, and realized I followed a slightly unconventional format.


This is how my CV looks:


Undergraduate degree 2007-2009

Medical School 2010-2013


In fact, my undergraduate degree started in 2006, and my medical school started in 2009. I followed a CV format where none of the education dates overlap, and thought that this was standard (I found it off some university website). For example, my undergraduate degree, in my head, was (2007, 2008, 2009-based on the dates for the second half of the school year), and the same for medical school (’10, ’11, ’12, ’13).


I'm worried that this may be interpreted negatively by interviewers/people reading my CV...do you think it's a concern? Or am I overanalyzing in my CaRMs-crazed state?

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